"There's The Rub"

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Based on episode of Shameless - Season 4 episode 5 - "There's The Rub"

Based on episode of Shameless - Season 4 episode 5 - "There's The Rub"

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I wake up to a pillow being thrown at my head "hey slutbag." Lizzie shouts. I sit up "what let me sleep god."

"No cause our dorm door has Alissa slutbag on the front. So no you can't sleep." Lizzie says I jump up and go over to her.

"Holy shit." I say the door has in red letter 'Alissa is a slutbag'. Well I guess Brent didn't keep it to himself.

"Explain." Lizzie says. I sigh "well um at that party we went to umm. I only kissed someone's boyfriend. I guess she found out and is taking it wayyy too far."

Lizzie laughs "No way you did that you look way too innocent." I sit back on my bed "No I did and if I'm gonna be honest wasn't even that good. I didn't even kiss him back."

"We'll just avoid them. I'm sure you'll be okay." Lizzie replied walking out the room. Oh god. Just lay low I can do that.

I get changed and go to Lips dorm room just as I go to knock Lip yanks open the door walking into me "What the fu- oh hey." He says noticing me.

"Where you going?" I ask standing in his doorway. "Umm some army guys busted in asking why I am MIA, so I need to go find Ian. He's been using my name to go in the army," he rushed past me then stopped "bye talk to you later yeah." He gave me a quick side hug and sprinted off.

I watch him sprint off then continued to walk into the dorm room. I'm sure he won't mind.

I feel Amanda's eyes on me as I flop down onto Lips bed sighing. Amanda coughs "Hi why are you here, Lips just gone."

I push myself up and stare her right in the eye "Why are you are you here? You don't live here."

"Cause I'm Ron's girlfriend so I have a reason to be here. Unlike you." Amanda says trying to sound sweet. Like no bitch you obviously do not mean it in a nice way.

I walk into my economic class with my hoodie over my head and sit down. "Who we hiding from?" George said putting his jumper hood up as well.

"None of your business." I bite back throwing my books on the table.

"Woah. Woah. Chill chihuahua don't get feisty." He joked putting his hood back down.

"Bite me." I reply when my phone rings. It's my mum I'll just call her back. Wait it's my mum who's gone missing. Shit.

I quickly answer it "Mum hello. Are you okay?"


"Mum. Hello?" I ask again. "Alissa?" I hear I stand up and leave my class and go to the bathroom.

"Mum. Are you alright?" I question. "Alissa I'm ok. Really I am. I need your help can you come home?" She answers not putting me at ease.

"No. I'm sorry mum. I'm not ditching my classes for you." I answer she tries to convince me some more I disagree even more.

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