"My Oldest Daughter"

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Based on episode of Shameless - Season 4 episode 2 - "My Oldest Daughter"

Based on episode of Shameless - Season 4 episode 2 - "My Oldest Daughter"

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I had been hanging out with Lizzie and her skater friends. They are cool and one of them Brent. Is in my mathematics class. So I finally have someone to hangout with besides Lip.

"Hey you'll be at that sororities party right?" Brent asked me as I wrote down an equation.

I look up at him. I had no clue about any party at all, guess no one likes me enough to tell me or invite me.

"No one told me." I inform him. He awkwardly smiles "Oh well, you gotta go I mean everyone will be there so."

"I will." I tell him he squeals "Good wear something at least a little nice okay." I nod.

Plus this can be my chance to make some friends. Since obviously not many people like me here.

It's now later on at the party. I wear my dress and walk in the door.

I look around to find Lizzie or Brent. God even Lip I don't even know if he's coming or not we haven't talked today as we have both been busy. No one is there. There's just a bunch of random people I don't know.

I walk in and look around I tap some girl on the shoulder and turns around with an annoyed look on her face. "Hi sorry to bother you my name is Alissa."

"Ok Alissa. What do you want?" She rudely asked. "Oh um don't worry I found them now." I play it off and pretend I was trying to look for someone.

"Alissa!" I hear Brent shout and go over to me. "You made it, want a drink?"

"Sure." He passes me one. "So which one is your type?" He says looking around at the boys.

I see a tall boy with curly blonde hair. Brent looks where I'm looking "Ohhh Zack. Good choice. Let's go over." He pulls my arm I try and stop him.

"Hey Zack. This is Alissa." Brent introduces. I stop pulling away from Brent and fix my hair.

Zack puts his hand out and I shake it "Hi Alissa. You go school here?" He asks now that I look him up close. He has nice brown eyes and his hair was even more curly.

"Um yeah. First year." I say as I notice him look at chest area. "Eyes are up here." I say pointing to my face he laughs "No I wasn't- I was. I was looking at the texture of your dress. The stitching is done perfectly on it."

"He does a fashion degree." Brent adds also looking at him dreamily. "Really I thought they only did academic subjects here." I state. Brent says he has to go and walks off.

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