"Liver, I Hardly know Her"

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Based On episode of Shameless - Season 4 Episode 10 - "Liver, I Hardly Know Her"

Based On episode of Shameless - Season 4 Episode 10 - "Liver, I Hardly Know Her"

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I wake up bright and early at a whooping 5am. Holy shit. What's wrong with me?

Not only did I wake up early. I also went on a morning run. It wasn't bad.

Just to top it off, I have no classes today. Plus I told myself I'm not going to study, today is a study-rest day.

I go to the Gallagher's to see what they are up to seen as someone is probably awake. Luckily Ian is.

"Hey Ian." I say walking in through the back door.

Ian stops what he's doing and swivels round "Alissa! Beautiful morning. How are you on this fine morning?"

I give him a look. His cheery mood is extremely weird "I'm good?"

He goes back to making pancakes, I think. I just watch as he flips them in the air humming a song.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I am wonderful. Orange juice?" He replies as I go to sit on the dining table chair "Sure."

"I took your advice and went on a run. You are right, it does feel good." I tell him as I watch him make a cup of orange juice for me.

He places the orange juice down in front of me "I'm always right. Runs are amazing, they give you a good refreshed feeling."

I nod. Ian is being weirdly happy. I don't like this.

"Hey, Mandy still asleep?" I hear Mickeys voice as he walks in the room.

"In Lip's room." Ian replies. I guess Mandy has been staying at the Gallagher's.

Mickey pulls out a chair next to me and sits down staring at me "Alissa, you jealous that Mandy is in Lips bed." He teases.

Mickey really pisses me off sometimes. He has picked up this ridiculous idea that I like Lip. I mean, yeah, I have kissed him more than once. Yeah we hangout so much and know practically everything about each other. That doesn't mean we are dating. Seriously, where did he gets this idea.

"Shut up. Your not five years old." I push him a little and stares at me again "You didn't deny it."

I give him a glare. He turns his attention to Ian who's flipping and preparing some pancakes on a plate "You making pancakes? What fucking time did you get up?"

"About 5:00." Ian says.

"Hey me too." I speak. Ian smiles and Mickey just glares "Yeah well you weren't at work till 3:00."

"Also, we both went on a run this morning. I don't know about you Lis but I have a ton of energy." Ian carries on. Mickey looks so mad.

"Oh! Check out this sunrise." Ian says going over to us and getting out his phone I lean over so I can see over Mickeys shoulder. He shows us some badly taken pictures of a sunrise which I will say was actually quite pretty.

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