Book Talk

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"Books are the only reason I feel like I've lived"

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"Books are the only reason I feel like I've lived"

I've always wondered what life would be like if I could live in a book. I suppose the question remains of which book I would choose to live in. I'm gonna go ahead and cross out a post-apocalypse book. I know for a fact I could never survive those. Maybe Harry Potter? Yeah, that one's good. Ooo what about The Cruel Prince series? Yes, I've always wanted to be in Jude's place. Except that I wouldn't want a sister like Taryn. She's a bitch. I said it. It's out there now.

"What are you doing?" Ronny spoke up next to me, making my soul leave my body. Why don't people recognize I scare easily? Are they deaf? Or blind? I've made it quite obvious as well. Making my soul come back into my body I slowly turned my head towards my deaf and blind best friend of mine and gave her an incensed glare.

If looks could kill... Well, actually I think I would be the dead one already. Ronny's given me so many death glares I would have already been dead before I hit double digits. Ronny and I met when we were in the second grade. We actually hate one another. Or she hates me. I can never really hate anyone, it's just not natural to me.

I've tried to hate my mother, but I failed miserably. "Don't you know I scare easily? I could have DIED!" I said dramatically, which Ronny recognized as she said, "Oh don't be dramatic." She waved her hand at me and leaned over the couch to snatch my book from my hands, making it close, and making me lose my spot.


"Hey! You made me lose my spot! I was really enjoying myself before you almost killed me then lost my spot in my amazing book! I was really enjoying it too." I said trying to snatch the book back which was kinda impossible since Ronny was standing and I was still sitting on the couch, too lazy and tired to move. Plus I already know once I got up Ronny would take off. "Okay, okay." Ronny swatted my hand away, which hurt by the way. Rubbing my hand which was turning a pinkish red Ronny turned my book over and began reading the book. I knew she was finished reading when she looked at me and raised one of her eyebrows in question as to why I was reading such a scandalous book.

By the way, I didn't know it was scandalous til I saw the reviews on amazon, and by then I already bought it. Not wanting to let good money go to waste I decided to give it a try, it is good. Or it was before Ronny made me lose my spot.

"What is this?" She asked. Well, it's a book dumbass, but I decided to state the obvious wasn't going to give me my book back. "Stop, you're bending the pages. Also, It's a book. It's not like I secretly have my phone inside watching Gilmore girls instead!" I said, making Ronny look confused and opening the book to find I wasn't lying.

There was no phone, and no Gilmore Girls playing.

I am many things, but a liar is not one of them. "See you can clearly see I wasn't lying, and I am saddened that you thought I would," I said finally being able to snatch the book back. Flipping through the pages I finally found my spot and a smile returned to my face. I quickly hugged my book and went back to reading. Before I could even turn the next page however Ronny just had to speak up.

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