Goodbye's aren't forever

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Thank you for reading. This book took me almost 8 months to write, and of course there were a lot of ups and downs with this book, but I wanted to say that this book is dedicated to not only my dad, but to my mom.

My mother passed away when I was nine, but I know that she fought hard, and because of that she become someone I looked up too. I miss her more and more everyday, but I know she is okay and she has left a lot of good in her wake as well. My mother was the strongest person I knew, and I will love her everyday for that. So this is to you mom, for everything you've ever done for me. I love you til the ocean dries up, and the stars no longer shine. I hope I have made you proud.

Last but certainly not least, this book is also dedicated to one other person. My person, who has done so much for me. Who, through everything that has happened in my life, has stayed by my side and had loved me through it all. Through every obstacle, and every fight, he was there. Always. And because of that, he is my person, and he always will be. I love you so much, more then anything, and I hope you know that I know you are amazing, sweet, kind, smart and perfect in every way. You are the reason I get excited to go to school, your the reason I wake up everyday and smile. You are the reason I feel like I never have to worry about going through things alone. I know you'll always take care of my heart, no matter the issues we may have. I love you to the end of the ocean <33

And to everyone else who read this book, thank you for giving it a chance to be told. Thank you for your support, and thank you for reading what is most important to me :)

So for now, goodbye, and I hope you enjoyed reading
-Syd :)

(A simple story can go a long way)

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