2 - Nabi

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These past 7 years have not been as great as Nabi told Jimin, in fact the reality was way sadder, but she could not bear to tell him the truth.

They both met when they were only 10 years old, and they quickly became bestfriend, and one thing leading to another, they started dating at 15 years old.

Everything was perfect and they were passionately in love with each other. His passion for dance, was something she was pushing him to pursue, and this how, with the help of one of his teachers, he auditioned for BigHit company in 2013.

And just like that, their relation started to fall apart. Naturally she did not realize it at first; she was so happy for him, when he started his debut as trainee.

But then, he got less time to come back in Busan, and his popularity raised.

However, still neither one of them could let go; you can't give up on love that easily. So, through the pain, they continued to talk endlessly over the phone every time they could. Of course, it was different, but they hold on to that.

One year after BTS official debut, with the fame growing up, they both reached their limit. Nabi had never been jealous, but when hundreds of girls kept declaring their love for Jimin, she could not hold the intrusive thoughts and doubt anymore. They started fighting a lot, each time, reaching a new level of pain.

It came a time, that if the pain you inflict to each other, is bigger than the love you share, you need to just stop, and continue apart...

Jimin took the decision, just before his birthday, the time could not have been worse. He did not even get the courage to tell her the truth, and instead, lied saying that his manager refused them to be in any relationship. Jimin briefly called her and did not even take the time to come in person, to end things correctly.

Nabi knew this would come sooner or later, so she also prepared herself to break up with him, but it could have been done in a better way. She kept his birthday present for a long time, just a way to somehow hold on to him.

She cried a lot the following months, and then time healed her wound. She pulled herself together, and started to work in a bookstore, like she always dreamed about.

One year after their breakup, the song Butterfly* came out, and the first time she heard it, she felt the pain overwhelming her again.

* Nabi (나비) means butterfly in Korean.

While listening to  the song, she could definitely sense Jimin's goodbye through every lyrics; it was beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. This was the last time that Nabi let herself shed a tear for Jimin.

Over the years, she heard a lot about him; BTS became so successful, it was impossible for her to hide from it. She followed his career discretely, wishing him success and happiness no matter what.

Seven years later, they were now facing each other... 

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now