36 - 14th Floor

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She wandered in the street of Seoul for a long time, it was her first time here and she was amazed by the beauty of the city.

Unfortunately, being 7 months pregnant did not agree with all the walking around and she suddenly felt very exhausted.

She chose the first nice coffee she found, it was not the time to go into labor in the middle of the street.

She took the time to rest and to calm down, her emotions were all over the place. She still did not know where to find Jimin, until she remembered that Suga contacted her through the bookstore account, so she might be able to send him a text, it was probably a better idea than sending a text to Jungkook.

In his office, Suga saw the message from Nabi and was confused to why she would contact him and not Jimin. When he read it, he bit his lips, that would for sure change his plan with the group but he knew how much Jimin loved his wife and he replied to Nabi with all the information she needed.

Nabi felt relieved when she saw the notification that Suga replied to her message with all the information. Jimin was currently staying in the hotel with Taehyung and Jungkook, if she was going now, she probably would be able to still catch them there.

She was thankful for Suga, for the little note he added at the end of the message to let her know that everything would be alright and that he would be supportive of them.

She looked on her phone to see how far the hotel was, lucky for her, it was only couple of minutes away. She paid her green juice – She was actually crazy about them, even more since whole pregnancy - and left to finally meet her husband after what seemed like a lifetime.

The hotel was amazing and being in Gangnam district, she knew for sure, it was probably one of the most expensive ones.

She felt so nervous in the elevator, she forced herself to take one full breath per floor.



14, the doors opened.

She stood up in front of the door 1421 and stayed like this for a few more seconds, just the time for her to pull together all the courage she needed.

She knocked and a shirtless Jungkook opened the door.

"Oh! What are you doing here?" He was truly not expecting her here right now, most of all, he did not know that she could be even more beautiful but she was.

"Nabi" He waved in front of her like crazy. She did not move or say anything at all since he opened the door then he realized about his partial nudity and blushed. "Jimin, come here!"

Jimin came at the door, also shirtless, what's going with them, not wearing clothes. When she locked eyes with him, she finally breathed, she did not realize before that she was holding it since then. However, she did not read what she was hoping to and she took a step back.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin truly did not expect to face Nabi right now. "Why did you come?" He spoke so coldly and then looked down at her condition.

She nervously tried to hide, but that was in vain, she looked down, feeling guilty for the whole situation. "We need to talk." She tried to grab his hand but he quickly stepped back. "I don't have anything to say to you."

In the room, Jungkook and Taehyung were witnessing the whole scene and it was very uncomfortable. "We're going to leave you both to it." Taehyung said and they quickly went out of the room but Jimin grabbed Jungkook's arm. 

"No need, Nabi is leaving." He spat the word, it hurt so much.

"Mochi, please. I need to explain everything." Once again, the emotion overwhelmed her and she started crying. "Please".

"Jimin, I think you two should talk. Let's go JK." Taehyung pushed Jungkook out of the room.

"So – Go on, tell me everything about how you cheated on me, while keep telling me you love me over the phone." He sat on the couch and crossed his arms on his chest.

"C-cheated? Mochi, I did not cheat. Is it why you were so distant and mad?" How could he think that when I love him with all my heart?  "I don't understand."

"Well, it's pretty obvious, don't you think." He pointed his finger to the growing life inside her. "I have been away in Seoul for 6 months."

She suddenly realized how confusing it must have been for him, without her even saying anything. She sat next to him and forced him to look into her eyes. "Mochi, I realized I was pregnant, the day you left for Seoul." She grabbed his hand and pressed it against her belly. "It's yours, Mochi – You're going to be a dad."


Jimin froze when he heard the word. He always knew he wanted to have kid one day, but over the years, he put the idea aside. It was never the right time, and he was not sure today was either.

All this idea of Nabi cheated on him, was probably easier for him to believe than the possibility to become a dad. "Mochi". Nabi's voice brought him back to reality. 

"How come you did not tell me anything, it's been almost 7 months, Nab."

"I am so sorry, but there was never a good time and I could not just text you the news. Believe me, if I could have done it any other way, I would have." Tiredness and emotions took over and she felt some dizziness. She took her head into her hands and wait for it to pass.

"Nab, are you okay?" Even if he was still mad at her and completely confused, he was caring for her, he would still love her no matter what. 

"I just need to rest, it's a lot of emotions right now." She sat on the bed closing her arms on her chest, she was cold. 

Jimin joined her on the bed and took her in his arms. "Don't cry, Nab." He patted her head and softly kissed her hair. He missed her smell.

She wished they could stay like this forever, but that's not how life worked and the kicks she was feeling right now, reminded her. "What should we do now?" She was hating herself to ask him, she did not want to put any pressure on him, but still she needed to know. 

"I don't know, Nab. You need to give me some time."

She knew that he would probably answer that, but they did not have much time left. Deep inside, she wanted him to come back to Busan with her and live as a family but that decision what not hers to take. "Don't worry."

"When do you go back?" He wished she could stay a little more. She turned over to face him. "Depends"

"Depends? Depends on what?"

"You" She kissed him. "Please stay today and tomorrow." He gently asked. 

I would stay forever, she thought. 

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now