10 - The Concert

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Nabi went back to the bookstore and Jimin wandered in Busan, he did not have any classes this afternoon.

He still needed to take a decision regarding RM concert. In the meantime, he thought about how here RM had chosen his solo career over the group, but still became a successful artist.  Sometimes, success is your destiny.

He considered that he had nothing to lose to at least attend the concert and so went to buy ticket. Luckily, there were places left for this evening, just like a sign of fate.

He bought 2 tickets, thinking that it would be nice to bring Nabi. After the little tension from lunch, they needed to spend some time together to strengthen their relationship.

He came home before Nabi and quickly hopped into the shower. He did not hear her came in, until he felt her hand around his body. He was still not completely used to her touch, even though he liked it.

"Did you enjoy your afternoon?" she asked, while kissing his back.

He turned around, and looked at her, at this moment, she could not have looked more beautiful, with the water running on her. He grabbed her face and kissed her like he never did before. After a while, they both needed to catch their breath.

"I did, yes". He replied out of breath, still holding her face. I bought us concert ticket for tonight, he stopped before mentioning about RM, he did not want to ruin the mood. He kissed her again to silent himself.

They spent way too much time in the shower and ended up running late for the concert. Nabi was really excited to spend the evening with Jimin, they really needed it.

On the way to the concert, Nabi remembered the passionate moment under the shower they just had. It comforted her thinking that everything would be alright and that Jimin was truly happy in this new life with her.

Jimin also remembered and smiled reliving it. Of course, they already had sex since he arrived in this life and back when they were teenager but earlier today, it was completely different. It was like they were finally in harmony, with wildness, passion, and trust all together. It boded well for their future together and he could not wait to do it again.

The concert room was completely full, they really had luck to get ticket last minute.

He was so nervous to finally see his Hyung* again, seemed like so long ago even if only couple of weeks past.

(*Hyung: Older brother in Korean)

Nabi was a huge fan of RM but she did not remember saying anything to her husband, so that probably was a coincidence, she was still very happy.

"I did not know you liked RM so much". She tried to articulate but the room was already very loud.

"What?" He pulled himself closer to her

"Never mind". She kissed him while smiling. 

She was already jumping around.

The light turned down and RM arrived on stage. His Hyung looked the same, he was born to be on stage, it felt so weird being on the other side in the crowd though.

When the first song started, he held Nabi tighter in front of him and let the tears rolled out from the emotion of seeing his former leader.

The next song continued and the pain was 'gradually' replaced by happiness. Nabi also enjoyed a lot, she could not stop moving, making things hard for Jimin to stay focus on the concert.

For the final, RM introduced his new song which was nothing else than Moonchild, suddenly it brought back so many memories. Both worlds were really crossing a lot which was making things very hard to distinct.

Concert was now over and they needed to leave the room. Jimin was completely wrecked to leave without even be able to talk to his leader but it was probably better this way.

On their way back home, Nabi felt that Jimin was not feeling well, so she pressed his hand hoping to catch his attention.

"What's wrong Mochi?" She kindly asked him, stopping in the middle of the road. "Did you not enjoy the concert?"

"I sure did. Don't worry Nab! Something just crossed my mind, but it's gone now. Let's quickly come home." He grabbed her hand and pulled her in the right direction.

As soon as they closed the door, Jimin pushed Nabi against the wall and kissed her. More than ever now, he needed to think about anything else.

He grabbed her thighs and she put her legs around his waist, as they walked to the bedroom.

"I need you." He moaned while laying her on the bed.

"Don't ever leave me". He insisted, taking off her shirt.

Nabi very well understood that there was something in his mind but she did not ask and instead intended to make him forget everything.

"Never." She whispered, lifting her hands up his chest.

When their passion finally reached their limit, his pain was gone, and they both fell asleep in each other arms. 

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now