22 - Truce

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Jungkook read again the text from Jimin, wondering what he was supposed to answer. They would probably end fighting and the only one getting hurt would be Nabi.

He replied, saying they should probably meet at the studio to talk and clean air.

Give me 15min and I will be there. Jimin

Jimin did not know what to expect from this meeting but certainly they needed to do something because right now the one getting hurt the most was Nabi. He took a few minutes to look over her and his heart tighten, he knew that he could not bear to lose her.

He left a note on his pillow to be sure she would not worry until he come back. He looked at his hand, his skin was already tinged with blue, he would have to take care of this tomorrow.

The studio was not too far away and he decided to walk, the cold hair would clear his mind.

Ten minutes later, he was knocking at Jungkook's studio door, trying to control his breathing.

"Hi. Thanks for coming." Jungkook opened the door, he was very nervous. "Please, come in." He let Jimin walked in.

"I'll get straight to the point. How could you seriously kiss Nabi?" Jimin tried to control his voice tone.

"I guess it was revenge for what happened 10 years go". He paused, trying to see if he would finally remember. "What you did, completely wrecked me and after that, she left me, I gave up on music and everything." He looked up, trying to hold his tears. He did not want to let Jimin see him like that.

"Yes, Nabi told me about it, after the restaurant." He was hesitant, should he tell him the truth, that would probably make things easier between them.

"Y-you don't remember at all?" Jungkook bent his head, trying to analyze if what he was saying was the truth. "How come you don't remember". Jungkook was getting angry, this jerk ruined his life and did not even have the decency to remember.

Jimin realized that the situation was getting tense and understood at this moment that for everything to get better, he potentially had to tell him the truth, and quickly... Jungkook was about to hit him in the face.

Jimin dodged right in time and Jungkook's fist ended in the wall. That must hurt.

"Stop it! There is something I need to tell you before you try to hit me one more time". He looked at Jungkook's hand that was already swallowing. "You probably need to put ice on it."

"Mhm" He frowned upon, trying to calm down. "There is a freezer over there".

While going to bring some ice, he kept talking. "W-well, so it might sound awkward but in fact, I come from a different world." He paused and he could already see Jungkook rolling his eyes. Mhm of course it's unbelievable, how he was supposed to put that.

"Did you hit your head?" He was now laughing. "So, this new world what it looks like – Were you kind of a superstar or something, was there unicorn and flying elephant too?"

"H-hum actually... Yes, I was." Huh that must sound so ridiculous. "I was an idol in one of the most popular bands in the world."

"Very well... So, you were a s-star" He stared at Jimin who seemed to be serious about it. "What brought you here and when? Did the fairy bring you?" Superstar my ass...

"It's been a couple of months. I had a lot of regret and wished to love Nabi again". He suddenly felt emotional saying that out loud. "And I just woke up in this life" How could he believe that.

"Wow I see" He did not know if he was supposed to laugh or not but looking at Jimin, he seemed pretty bum by this, might in fact be true. "S-so I guess, you indeed did not know for what happened 10 years ago?"

"Indeed. Truce?" He handed his hand to Jungkook to sign up for peace.

Jungkook shook his hand. "Truce"

They ended up hugging each other. Universe could not have part them away, they would be forever friends. Jimin could not hide how happy he was that things ended well between them.

Jimin made use to be alone in the studio with Jungkook to introduce him to the concert idea and tell him about Taehyung.

They spent the rest of the night endlessly talking about the songs they would use. 

"Wow, the songs are amazing." Jungkook was truly stunned and reconnecting with singing gave him little butterfly. "I can understand now why your group was so successful".

That sentence hit Jimin harder than he could have imagined. He missed that, he truly did.

"I am pretty sure we will do great to during the event." He put back on his leather jacket. He needed to go back home, Nabi must have been worried. "Shall we rehearse here tomorrow?"

"Sure. Bring Taehyung around 10am". He opened the door and waved him goodbye. "Jimin – I am glad it all ended well"

"Me too". he turned back, hiding the biggest smile he could ever worn

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz