29 - Grammys

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Jimin was happy after his call with Nabi, even if he could sense that there was something she did not tell him. Hearing her say that she would support it in this, was everything he had expected. He rushed to the other room to let Taehyung and Jungkook knows that he will accept.

He entered the room and saw both of them sleeping but not without cuddling each other. Taehyung and his need to cuddle to sleep, Jimin thought. 

Things kept repeating themselves.

Jimin could not refrain to jump on the bed and wake them up. As expected, the whole things turned into a pillow fight, Jimin froze for a minute, it was bringing back so many memories that he felt overwhelmed for a minute. At least, until Taehyung smashed him with the pillow and he felt down on the floor.

He stayed still for a minute looking at the ceiling, laughing so hard. And it at this exact moment, that he knew he was making the right choice.


The next morning, they were back into Suga's office to sign their contract. Taehyung and Jungkook signed first, Jimin paused a minute with the pen in his hand, looked at Jungkook being so happy and signed his name.

Suga opened a bottle of champaign to celebrate and also introduce them to the other member that already signed up.

Jimin was looking forward to seeing the 4th member and almost fainted when he recognized the guy that came in.


That could not be true – He finally found back all his friend, one way or another, their paths cross again.

No matter the world, Hobi was still the shining soul, he has always been. It was very hard for Jimin to not hug his Hyung right now.

They all introduced themselves, it appeared that Hobi was working as choreographer here in Seoul and this is how he was first noticed by Suga. Through different collaboration, he realized his potential as a rapper and enrolled him in the group.

After several glasses, Jungkook was starting to be drunk. Jimin could always tell when he was drunk and he discretely pushed his glass away. Today was not the day to do something stupid.

As expected, Taehyung did not drink at all, well, like he always did, he just drank one sip.

For Jimin, it was different, he always enjoyed alcohol and it never had a real impact on him but still for this time, he restrained himself to not give bad impression.

They all went on a tour of the building, it mostly looked like HYBE's one. There was conference room, rehearsal room, fitness room, well, everything K-pop Industry building can contain. Jimin did not expect it to be that big, Suga must have been a big producer or at least part of a big company. While going through the recording studio, they learnt that Suga was also the one composing and some time to time, was adding his voice on some song.

Being on the mood, Suga directly proposed to Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung to sing their mash-up in the studio, so that everyone could hear it, the CEO of the company was there too.

They entered into the studio, and Jimin could tell Jungkook was completely stressed, he was looking everywhere and started sweating. Jimin realized that it was exactly for moment like this, that he accepted.

"Hey, look at me. It's going to be fine." He faced Jungkook and grabbed him by his shoulders. "Just do like we did back in Busan, and everything will be alright. You were born to sing." Jungkook smiled and started to feel better. 

C'mon JK, you can do it, breathe in and out.

At the end of their interpretation, everyone was literally speechless. Jimin noticed the CEO talking with Suga and wonder what they could possibly said, he was not too worried, they did great.

Hobi entered the studio and hyped them, he could not believe how good they were and felt lucky to be part of the group together.

When Suga came back into the studio, he was smiling and Jimin knew that it was not that often, that obviously meant good news.

"Wow, you were amazing! The CEO loved you and we have big project for you guys". The 3 bowed politely to him, to thank him and still showing respect.

"Take some rest now, and we will start to work tomorrow. Great job guys!"


They went back to the hotel and stayed in one of the rooms. They ordered lot of food and celebrate together, until Taehyung stepped outside to call his parents.

"Hyung, I wanted to thank you for everything you did so far." Jungkook shyly looked down.

"I did nothing, you were good during the concert at the exhibit and earlier today."

"I know what you left behind to support me into this." Jimin knew Jungkook was referring to Nabi and it hurt a bit. "Don't worry", he was not regretting and smiled at him.

At this moment, Taehyung came back. "So, soon the Grammys?" They all ended up laughing. 

Why not, after all.  

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