3 - 7 years

22 0 0

Nabi finished her story, but she kept for herself she got married 2 years ago; it was probably not the right time.

While listening carefully to Nabi, Jimin truly felt the pain she went through. He realized how he deeply hurt her; he was so young back then. He probably would never be enough sorry.

The whole day passed by; they had not been able to stop talking; they had so much to catch up on. When the sun set; Nabi realized she was late, and rushed back home, leaving Jimin confused.

Back home, he took a shower, and realized he wanted to see her again. He would have never thought, he would still feel something for Nabi, after 7 years.

When Nabi came home, her husband was already there; she could feel he was angry.

"Where were you? We were supposed to go to dinner with my parents."

"I am sorry, I did not realize it was that late"; she answered, while taking off her coat.

Her husband saw the sand that was falling from her clothes.

"With whom you were on the beach?" He forced her to look into his eyes.

Her husband had always been the jealous type; Nabi knew she could not tell him the truth.

"Myself – I needed a break; it was a hard day at the bookstore."

She did not give him the opportunity to start an argument, and she rushed under the shower.

She stayed a long time under the hot water; she realized she wanted to see Jimin again. She would have never thought, she would still feel something for him, after 7 years. Tales said you can never completely forget your first love. 

The following days, they spent most of their time together, meeting at the bookstore or on the beach.

The past 7 years did not alter their bound; they enjoy time like they had never been apart. Of course, they were playing a dangerous game, and they knew it.

They obviously still had feeling for each other; feelings never completely disappeared over time, just kept safe in a corner waiting to resurface.

The situation was even more complicated for Nabi; she needed to manage her husband and keep tracks of every lie. In parallel, she could sense that her feelings for Jimin were all coming back, each day more and more.

It was not easier for Jimin, he could still not let himself in a relationship, now even less, but he could sense his feelings for Nabi were all coming back, each day more and more.

Tonight, was his last night in Busan, he was supposed to go back to Seoul the next day.

Jimin asked Nabi to spend their last evening together at the beach, and she could not say no, luckily, her husband was out of town.

Jimin was the first one to arrive, and then he saw her.

She was looking so beautiful; the sunset color reflects in her green eyes, and at this moment he knew goodbye would be hard.

They look at each other for a long time, until Jimin broke silence.

"I am leaving tomorrow morning and I wanted to tell you proper goodbye this time. It was great to see you again." He stopped, looked at her, and did not know, if he should add what he had in mind.

"I missed you, more than I thought."

Nabi smiled, but she could feel her heart tighten inside. "For me too, it was great seeing you. I also missed you." She knew, she should have not told him that; she was married, but still, words came out so naturally.

They hugged each other, for a long time; none of them being able to let go.

"Promise me, to take care of yourself; you looked exhausted when you arrived," whispered Nabi in his ears.

"I will, promised Jimin", whispering back.

They were still holding on to each other; and Jimin could only think about kissing her. He knew he should not do it; so instead, he talked about their memories together.

"Do you remember this spot?"

"Of course, I do - This is where we first kissed."

Bringing back those memories, were painful for them both...

"Do you sometimes wonder if we would still be together without BTS?" asked Jimin, still knowing that nothing would change the past.

"I honestly don't know. There could be thousand reasons why we would not be together; BTS was just one of them," said Nabi, coldly.

They were going on slippery slope, and she could not let them continue. She decided to tell Jimin the truth. She pushed him a bit away while looking at him, tears in her eyes.

"Please don't. I have not been completely honest with you." Jimin looked at her, completely baffled. Nabi was shaking and keep playing nervously with her hands.

"I am married Jimin. It's been 2 years, and I am very happy." The tone she used was more to convince herself than Jimin.

Jimin was completely stunned; the news hit him harder than anything ever did.

"Getting over you was the hardest things I had to do – Please, do not bring me down again," finished Nabi, crying.

"I am so sorry – If I could do everything differently, I would," replied Jimin, wiping away the tears from her eyes.

He hugged her, and while smelling her and remembering all their memories; it hit him, I never stopped loving her.

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now