19 - Daegu

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Jimin was packing his stuff, as he planned to stay a couple of days in Daegu. Nabi was watching him, sitting on the bed.

"Why do you look so sad?" he asked her.

Nabi looked at him, he made his little cute face, the one he did not even realize doing it, the one she always fell for.

"Don't worry, I am just tired. While you're away, I will be able to sleep properly." She rolled her eyes and pulled her tongue

Jimin jumped on her and they started to fight on the bed.

"Are you really suggesting that you're sleep-deprived because of me?" He pouted, while holding her both hands.

"Maybe – Might have just said what an amazing husband you are. You always hear only what you want." She was now laughing so hard, putting her head backwards.

"I love you"

They both stopped.

"What did you just say?" It was the first time Jimin was saying it, and it made her heart fluttered so much.

"Huum" He bit his lips.

"I love you, Mochi" She pulled him closer and kissed him.


They were now both at the train station and Jimin was about to get on the train for Daegu.

Despite leaving for only couple of days, it looked like she was seeing him for the last time.

"Come here" he hugged her and whispered, "I am back in 3 days, I made you a promise".

She waved him goodbye and left only after the train disappeared off her sight.


The train ride was less than an hour and Jimin arrived in Daegu before lunch. He truly had no idea how to meet Taehyung, so he decided to eat in a restaurant and to think about it there.

He ordered fried rice with kimchi and ate while watching Taehyung's last video. His voice was still the same, with this deep tone that always made him standout as vocalist. He decided to send him a message on Instagram to suggest they meet, he could not show up at his house uninvited.

Call it fate, but Taehyung replied couple of minutes later, very curious about his message and suggested they met in a cafe.

Jimin paid his lunch and walked to the cafe that was not far away, he needed to pull himself together, he was so excited.

He reminded himself several times that he would not be able to hug Taehyung, that situation made him laugh.

Taehyung was already there when Jimin walked in, he did not change at all. Of course, he was the same but still he was hoping that he would not look too much like his best-friend.

"You must be Jimin?" Taehyung asked politely

"Yes". At the last minute, he stopped himself from hugging him and instead bowed politely, even if he was 2 months older than him.

"Wow, it is nice to meet a fan" Taehyung laughed saying that. Jimin laughed too, thinking about Armies.

"Haha! Don't know if I can call myself fan, but I really liked your video, you're very talented. Are you an idol?" Jimin asked politely, knowing already the answer.

"N-No I am not. I am just doing these videos for fun. I am working in my parents' farm." He paused, what he was doing telling this stranger about his life.

He did not know why but he had a good feeling with this guy.

"Wow, that's impressive. I am also a vocalist, in addition to be a dance Teacher in Busan." He paused to check Taehyung's reaction. "I actually came to meet you to propose you something". He got the full attention of Taehyung now. "My wife owns one of the biggest bookstores of Busan and we're organizing an exhibit in couple of days, and we thought that it could be nice to do some small concert in addition to entertain everybody".

Taehyung was completely absorbed by what Jimin was saying, Jimin stared at him and knew that they were all linked by the stage no matter what happened. "I did not plan to have other singer, but when I saw your video, I knew I had to ask".

"Seriously?" Taehyung could not believe what was happening right now. Deep down, it has always been his dream to become a singer and this guy he knew for approximatively 30min were offering him to do it.

"I am dead serious". Jimin looked at his phone and found the flyers for the exhibit. "Look, all true"

Taehyung looked at the phone and sparkles enlightened his eyes. "Count me in". There are some opportunities you need to take in life and he was sure, it was one of it. They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and laughing together, like they knew each other forever.

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now