17 - Stolen Kiss

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Nabi came home and found her husband half asleep on the couch. She silently climbed on him and started kissing him.

"I missed you today," she said grabbing his face into her hands to make him look at her.

"Me too," he replied pulling her closer to him. "How was the meeting with Jungkook? Did you like his work?"

"It went well, he is very talented. I can't wait to do the exhibit." She was starting to remove his shirt, hoping that it would distract him from the rest of the conversation. Luckily for her, Jimin was always in the mood.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" He could barely ask, Nabi was all over him and he was already bringing her into their bedroom.

"Mhm, I have a dinner tonight, I have just been invited, otherwise I would have told you earlier." She was starting to feel uncomfortable, so she removed her own blouse while being carried by Jimin.

"With whom?" He asked, entering the bedroom, still kissing each other.

"Jungkook..." She mentioned very softly. But the moment Jimin heard, he stopped everything, dropped her on the bed and went back to the living room.

While Nabi was putting back her blouse, she told herself that it did not go as well as she wanted and she was not sure why.

"Mochi, what just happened?" She started to ask while joining her husband in the living room.

"Nothing." He did not even look at her answering.

"Oh really, so you always stop everything halfway through sex. You're acting childish. Why is it bothering you that much that I am eating with Jungkook? I am doing all this for you, remember."

He looked at her, but she could not tell if he was angry or sad.

"You're doing this for me?" He said raising his voice. He was angry, but he was not sure why, it just bugged him. "Were you having dinner with him, part of the plan for me to spend time with Jungkook?"

"Fair enough, but in fact, you're welcome to join." She remembered Jungkook was not happy about that but now, she was not seeing another alternative.

"No, I am good. Have fun tonight," he ended the discussion.

She rushed back to the bedroom to get ready but she wondered if it would not be easier to just cancel plan and stay with Jimin. Well, she was now ready and she promised Jungkook, no matter what her husband said, she was doing all this for him and later he would thank her for that.

She received a text from Jungkook that he was downstairs, so she took her purse and on her way out kissed Jimin goodbye.

Jungkook was waiting for her in a Mercedes AMG, she usually was not the kind of girl impressed by car or money but Wow that car did look good. Jungkook came outside to open her the door, he also was looking very handsome.

As she was expecting, there was a little tension in the car and she was hoping the journey to the restaurant would not be too long.

"You look beautiful tonight, Nabi." He said already blushing a bit, which in fact makes him more attractive.

"Thank you, you are very handsome as well." She replied, not even looking at him but rather outside of her window. She told herself that she needed to pay attention to not give him wrong signal.

Jungkook chose a very nice restaurant that Nabi liked a lot; it was very romantic and she started to wonder if Jungkook brought her here for the wrong reason.

Dinner went very well, they were both talking a lot about the exhibit, until Nabi asked to know more about Jungkook and the time in high school with Jimin.

"Hum, well ... There is not much to say. Jimin was my senior, so we were not really friends."

He looked down the whole time and Nabi understood he was hiding something.

"I can sense the tension right now and last time as well when you saw each other. Did something happen?" She smiled at him, hoping that it would encourage him to freely talk.

"I thought you would know, I was surprised to see you married with Jimin, after what happened back then."

"What? What happened? You scared me now." She was worried, what could possibly had happened that Jimin never told her about.

"Well, it was 10 years ago, back in high school. There was a party one day, and Jimin and his friends were very drunk, well I assumed they were drunk, I were not hanging with them. Anyway, I arrived late at this party only to witnessed Jimin kissing my girlfriend."

He stopped, even after all this year, it still made him emotional and he could not hold his tears. Nabi, on her side, did not say anything, she just looked at Jungkook crying and wait.

She could not believe anything that he just said, Jimin would have never cheated on her. And still overtime she wondered several times if he cheated.

"You're lying. He never cheated on me..." But when she stared at Jungkook's eyes, she knew deep inside that he was not lying.

"I am sorry Nabi, it wasn't for me to tell you." He grabbed her hands and softly pressed it for comfort.

Nabi removed her hand, it made her uncomfortable and Jungkook noticed it.

He finished his story with the reason why he did not audition and showed to Nabi the artwork inspired by his ex-girlfriend. It would probably be weird but Nabi was convinced that these should be part of the exhibit. The pain that was coming out of the painting was undeniable and still so beautiful. She would mention this to Jungkook but not today.

The dinner ended on a slightly better note with the mapping for the exhibit, it cleared both their heads.

On the way back home, nobody was talking and the silence in the car was very heavy. Jungkook stopped the car in front of Nabi's building.

He turned around and looked at Nabi, he knew he should not do it but he could not help it, he grabbed her face and kissed her.

Nabi pushed softly Jungkook away and put her hand on his mouth

"No, please don't. I am sorry Jungkook, but it does not change anything, Jimin is my husband and I will always love him."

She did not let him say anything and went out of the car, she rushed back to her apartment without looking back at Jungkook. 

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora