23 - Maknae Line

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Nabi woke up alone in bed, she moved her hand where Jimin were supposed to be but she could only feel the cold sheets. Considering how last night ended, she wanted to believe that he did not leave her.

She opened her eyes, they hurt like hell, probably due to all the crying and lack of sleep. She scanned the room, looking for clues, wether Jimin abandoned her or not. So far, some of his clothes were still on the floor, she turned over and finally saw the note he left.

Don't worry, I will be back. Mochi

She read the note twice hoping she would see something she did not the first time, but to no avail. Was he really expecting her not to worry? Damn you Jimin with your note on pillow.

She went out of bed and started to clean the mess that Jimin made last night, he broke so many items, including their wedding picture frame. As she pulled the pieces together, she whipped off a tear from her eyes. Huh stop crying.

Jimin came back few minutes later, she was still on the floor looking at the mess and their memories teared out. When she heard him, she quickly turned over, forgetting what she was doing and ended up cutting her hand with one of the glass debris.

Jimin rushed over her. "Show me your hand. Does it hurt?" He was looking so worried right now, taking care of her hand.

Nabi looked at him and start hitting him on the chest. "Where were you? Why did you leave?" She was losing it, between the cry and the anger, her voice was barely audible. "Where you with Jungkook? Tell me you did not beat him up?" Everything was blurry now and she collapsed on the floor, saying one last word. "Please".

Jimin brought her to bed and took care of her hand. He sat next to her and just looked at her, waiting for her to wake up. He questioned to bring her to hospital but was pretty sure she was only exhausted of the last events.

He kept stroking her hair, singing serendipity when she finally woke up, he could see her eyes moving and she ended open them, staring at him backwards.

"Welcome back Nab. You scared me". He kissed her forehead. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Y-yes, I think." She looked at her hands with bandages. She tried to move her fingers, but it hurt.

"Don't move for now, it needs to heal." He made her turnover, so they could face each other. "Before you faint again..." She hit him in the arms. "Yes, I went to see Jungkook and no I did not hit him, actually he tried." She looked at him worried, trying to look for any injury. "But he missed!".

"So, what happened?" She was impatient to know how the whole things ended for him to only come back in the morning.

"I told him the truth about me, and we ended up hugging each other making truce."

"For real?" She raised her eyebrows, doubting that it was the real outcome.

"For real" He kissed her happily, taking off her last ounce of worry. "I need to pick up Taehyung in one hour. Need to really take a shower first".

"O-oh, did everything go well in Daegu?"

He realized with the last event, he did not tell her about his time with Taehyung "Very well, we are going to do some mini concert for the exhibit with him and Jungkook. Could not be happier." He was literally jumping around in the room.

"Great, I am really happy Mochi". She stood up and opened her arms for him to come.

He closed the distance between them and put his head in his neck, letting her body heat warmed him. Now, everything is perfect, he thought before rushing to the shower.


Jimin picked up Taehyung at the train station and they both walked to Jungkook's studio. On their way, Jimin told him about Jungkook and that he was also an amazing singer.

They had two days to fully rehearse before the exhibit opening.

The alchemy between them was surprising, sometimes persons are meant to be friends, no matter from which universe they come from.

And just like that, the maknae* line was back to life in an art studio in Busan

(Maknae: Youngest in the family)

They spent the first part of the day, digging into BTS song repository to find the best setlist. Eventually, the song would need to be adapt as they were all 3 vocalist and most of the song always had rap part.

Jimin decided to do some mash-up, to focus on the vocal chorus.

Like he remembered doing it for their last PTD concert, he proposed the mash-up Fake Love/Blood Sweat and Tears. Would probably leave the choreography/outfit out for now. He smiled recalling how Jungkook always ended up half naked.

"Why are you smiling so suddenly?" Taehyung asked.

"Nothing, I was reliving some memories." He shook his head, trying to move on and stared at the guys. "Let's go back to practice".

"We're going to rock it". Jungkook said, while reading again the lyrics.

We will, thought Jimin, looking at them and writing down the other lyrics. 

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