27 - Blue line

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Nabi stared at the 2 blue lines knowing what it meant. 

No, no, not right now

The timing could not have been worse with Jimin that just left for Seoul. She sat next to her bed, holding her head, trying to understand how it could have happened. 

We were always careful – Hm – Were we really? 

She bit her lips, as she distinctly remembered the event of the last weeks.

She was not sure what to do next, of course, the right thing would be to call Jimin and let him know but how she was supposed to phrase it over the phone.

Hi, I am pregnant – Oh, by the way, it's yours. Not the most subtle, she winced.

They left angry with each other and she had no clue when he would be back, so she pulled herself together and decide to keep it for herself right now, at least until she made up her mind.


The journey to Seoul would not be very long and the guys were so excited, mainly the youngest Jungkook.

Suga confirmed he would meet with them in the afternoon, which would give them some time to wander in the city. Taehyung and Jungkook never went and they could not wait to see everything in the capital.

Jimin was also looking forward to being back there, over years, despite being born and raised in Busan, Seoul became is home. He missed the apartment he shared with Taehyung, he will probably try to stop by in the neighborhood just for memories.

Taehyung and Jungkook fell asleep very quickly, probably from excitement. Jimin tried too but could not stop thinking about Nabi and the way he left. He looked at his phone but there was no notification. 

Should I send something?  He wondered if now was a good time to send her something but might be too soon.

While closing his eyes trying to rest a bit, he promised himself to write her at least every day.

Seoul did not change at all, obviously it would not, it was still the same impressive, loud, big, and beautiful city, he left some month ago. 

Also, very polluted city, he thought while coughing.

Jimin was the oldest of the group, only 2 months older with Taehyung but still he had to act like the dad with both running everywhere and expecting to see everything. It was very funny to watch. He looked everywhere but there was no reference at all to BTS, he knew they probably wouldn't but still tiny part of himself was hoping.

Every corner, every building, every street was bringing back memories and it was very complicated for him to not let his emotions crashed.

"Are you okay Hyung?" Jungkook asked, pressing Jimin's shoulder. He noticed how he kept looking everywhere and realized that it probably brought memories from his old life.

"Hm – Yes, I am alright. Don't worry." He smiled at Jungkook, and frowned his nose, silently saying to not insist. "I am starving, let's find some good place to eat." He put his arms around their shoulders and brought them to one of the best places in Seoul to eat Tteokbokki.

On their way to meeting Suga, Jimin recognized the building they were about to get in, HYBE building, BTS is nowhere but everywhere, he smirked at the coincidence.

Suga was looking the same, Jimin did not know what to expect, of course he would look the same.

They politely bowed in front of him, he was in fact older than all three before introducing themselves.

"Hi, very nice to meet you all three. Thank you for coming so quickly." He bowed back, in sign of respect.

"I am a huge fan of your work, I followed you on Instagram." Taehyung was not able to stop himself. Jimin could swear that right now, there were sparkle in his eyes.

"Thank you, really appreciate. But today, we are here to talk about YOU." Suga invited them to sit on the couch. Who has a couch in his office?  thought Jungkook.

"I am going to be straight forward, we're currently working to launch a new group, and I want ALL OF YOU" Suga crossed his hands on his desk and stared at the three future potential idols, scanning their reactions.

"Hm! Are you s-serious?" Taehyung could not have believed something like that would have happened to him, the odds have never been in his favor since he was born. Did my fairy godmother finally find me?  he thought, restraining himself to jump around in the office.

"Is that for r-real?" Jungkook was also completely shocked by the news. Suga was indeed an important producer, Taehyung briefed them in the train. That could lead to huge success, but that would also mean he would not be able to continue with his studio in Busan. What should I do?  he thought, waiting for the others to say something.

Jimin was the only one remaining silent, he, for sure, did not expect this proposal so soon, what about audition and all the selection that usually goes into the idol world. He was completely puzzled and have no idea what he was supposed to say or do.

Jungkook stared at Jimin the whole time but he seemed completely lost. If what he told him was true, Jimin has been an idol for more than 8 years and apparently was not willing to do it again.

"So, what do you think?" Suga was getting nervous, none of them has talked for several minutes. Suga always had a flair to identify talent and right now, he was facing three gems he did not want to let go.  

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