15 - Flashback

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Today was finally the day Jimin would see Jungkook after what felt like years. Surprisingly, he slept very well after coming back from the movie and seeing Jin. He had not yet told Nabi, it would come in due time.

Exceptionally, Jimin was the first one to get out of the bed and popped into the shower. When he came out, Nabi was still sleeping.

"Nab, wake up. You're going to be late." He laid on her, still wet and start to tickle her.

"Mhm," she growled. "It's still too early Mochi, let me sleep a few more minutes."

She opened her eyes and saw him. She could not resist him after shower, his smell, his body, his wet hair and so she put her legs around him, he could not move anymore.

"We don't have time for that this morning, Nab. Let me go," he said trying to escape.

"Oh, I think we do. But if you don't want, that's fine," and she set him free with a sneaky smile.


Jungkook arrived mid-morning in the bookstore, and Jimin was acting like a kid in front of candies. Nabi told him to hide in one of the alleys so she can first introduce her and not scared him.

Nabi never met him before but he was a good-looking guy. She thought that if all the member of the group were that handsome that would have been a hard time to be their girlfriends.

She could see her husband in the back of the bookstore, getting way too excited. He would come over in couple of minutes, if she did not hurry.

"Good morning, you must be Jungkook," she asked while bowing. "I am Nabi, we spoke on the phone yesterday."

"Morning. Yes, I am. Nice to meet you," he replied bowing deeper as he was the youngest.

"Can I offer you anything to drink? Water, Coffee, maybe Tea?" She was trying to make things less awkward.

"Tea would be great, thank you." He was really intimidated, she was younger than he thought but still older than him and very beautiful.

He was hoping thing would be great between them, lately with all the work at his studio, he did not have so much time to really date anybody and he missed that.

Maybe he would invite her over dinner tonight that would be a good opportunity for them to talk over the exhibit. While being lost in his thoughts, Nabi was back with tea and food.

"Here is the tea. Do you want any sugar? Also, there are some French pastries that are delicious." Nabi could not help noticing that he blushed when she came back. "Are you ready to show me your work? We can go in my office, that will be easier and quieter."

"Sure, really excited about it." He was trying to stop his blushing, what was happening to him.

They were going to Nabi's office, and this is when she realized she completely forgot about Jimin. He was now waving energetically at her, looking a bit upset. Nabi smiled at him and made him a sign to join them in her office.

They were now all three in the office and there was an awkward silence, they were all looking at each other. Jimin was looking at Jungkook, feeling so happy to be so close to him.

Jungkook was looking at Jimin, wandering what his senior could do in the office with them and Nabi was looking at them both, hoping that everything would be alright.

Nabi broke the silence first

"Jungkook, let me introduce you to my husband, I think you went to school together."

Her h... hus ... husband, Jungkook froze when he heard that Nabi was married, that was throwing away his plans, at least for now.

"Jimin, it's been so long. I did not know we would end up seeing each other again." His voice was a little tense, and he could not completely hide his mixed feelings.


10 years ago, when Jungkook and Jimin were both student at Baekyang High School in Busan, they were not exactly best friends. They were 2 years apart and so did not run into the same circle of friends, but more importantly something happened that would leave forever stain in their memories, well at least Jungkook's one.

Jimin was one of the most popular senior and was already dating Nabi at this time but  during his last year that did not stop him to kiss a girl during a party and not any girl, Jungkook's girlfriend. It happened during one party, where it was only alcohol and bet, Jimin and all his friends were really drunk, and they launched a bet for each of them to kiss a girl.

Jimin had nothing against Jungkook, it was just the wrong time and the wrong girl. Jungkook saw what happened and since then forever held a grudge against Jimin.

"I am so happy to see you." Of course, Jimin had no idea about what happened in this life between him and Jungkook.

Jungkook thought that Jimin probably forgot about what happened 10 years ago but he never did. Everything fell apart after this incident. His girlfriend broke up with him, and he got so heartbroken that he renounced to the audition and instead start painting and drawing. In fact, his first work was fully dedicated to his ex-girlfriend.

Looking at Nabi, Jungkook wondered if she knew about her husband and if now, was the time to finally seek revenge on Jimin. 

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