25 - Choice

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Hi, I saw the video of the concert you posted on Instagram. I am a producer in Seoul, and I am really looking for new talent. Are the 3 singers already signed by any label? Would love to meet them in Seoul. Please let me know asap. Suga

Nabi did not know what to do while reading again the message. She looked at Jimin, trying to weigh in on her decision. She did not realize everyone stopped talking and were staring at her.

"What's wrong Nab'? You have not talk at all for a while and you look like you see a ghost or something." Jimin asked getting closer to her and wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Mhm" she grumbled, still completely lost in her thoughts. The decision she was about to take would affect their relationship.

Jimin continued to stare at his wife, trying to read through her facial expression and he could only read worry in her eyes.

In the end, Nabi could not bring herself to lie to him. "I received a message on the bookstore account." She paused trying to pull together the last ounce of courage she needed.

"From WHO?" Jimin was getting impatient. What was going on.

The atmosphere was getting tense, Jungkook and Taehyung could sense it and they slowly moved back to give some privacy to the couple.

Nabi took a deep breath. "Someone named Suga. He is apparently a producer in Seoul."

It was done from now on, there was no turning back, she focused her attention on her husband who seemed to be in chock.

Jimin would have expect everything but that to happen.


Him too was crossing his path in this world after all.

Nabi handed over the phone to Jungkook and then walked outside the bookstore. She could barely breathe, she could not stop the flow of emotion and thought flooding over in her brain. Calm down. She was trying to tell herself that it probably meant nothing but deep down, she felt otherwise. Breathe, don't break now.

The air felt very nice on her face and she let the coldness slip inside her body...

Inside, the three guys read the message on the phone and stared at each other.

Each one of them had now a choice to make ...

Jungkook seemed a bit skeptic at first, it could as well be a false message, social media were full of that these days. But if it was true, could it be the second chance he always looked for.

He also needed to fully evaluate the extent of this decision, the week went amazing and he won a lot of visibility through some very influent personality that came during the exhibit. Also, the emotion he felt during the concert were something he never experienced before, it was pure adrenaline and his brain were already asking for more.

The choice was harder than he thought, it was really choosing between safety-well not really, he was still struggling as an artist, thanks to his mother, he did not get bankrupt- and very exciting unknown. He shook his head one last time, but deep down he knew the answer since the first second he read the text. I will go to Seoul.

It was different for Taehyung, he knew very well who Suga was. He was a well-known producer, publishing a lot on Instagram. Taehyung hoped for a long time to be able to meet him which was happening right now.

However, hoping to meet and finally getting to meet make a huge difference when it comes to make a choice. Every cell in his body were screaming to go to Seoul but he could not refrain thinking about his parents and the farm.

How could I leave everything behind? He took his head into his hands, hoping that he would finally be able to make a decision that he won't regret. He shut the last rationale thought and just decided to listen to his inner voice. I will go to Seoul.

Jimin was still processing the new, he was given the opportunity to see Suga. He was in fact not surprised that Suga would become a successful producer, he was so talented. Unfortunately, the decision what not so easy to take, he had to consider Nabi and what already happened.

Nabi, the one he already casted aside to pursue his career, the one he wished to love again, the one he recently promised to never leave.

But even with all these, he could not completely throw away the wish to go to Seoul with the others and meet Suga.

He looked at Nabi, standing outside and made up his mind, she would be upset but she would forgive him. When you love someone, you can forgive anything, right? he thought trying to make peace with his decision. I will go to Seoul.

They all agree to go to Seoul to meet Suga and give this opportunity a try. Jungkook replied to the message saying that they would come the next day. Now Jimin had to tell Nabi and already knew this would be a painful discussion.

Nabi was still outside, starting to feel very cold when she suddenly felt two arms hugging her and hot breath in her neck. "Should we go home? You must be freezing."

She grabbed his arms, pulling them closer. "Mhm, let's. Are you going to Seoul?"

He did not reply, her heart tightened as she understood what it meant.

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now