9 - The Carnet

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Like the little note in his carnet, Jimin thought that he would  probably find Jungkook in Busan, they were both born here. 

But sometimes life surprised you.

On his way to Nabi's bookstore for lunch, it's where he saw it, the concert poster on one of the bus stations.

It was not any concert - It was RM's concert.

Jimin stared at the poster for so long, he completely forgot about Nabi until his phone rang. He finally answered and apologized for being late, he was on his way and would be here soon.

Nabi hang up, feeling once again anxious about Jimin. He seemed so concerned on the phone and she instantly thought about what she read the night before. Just when she promised herself to confront him during lunch, Jimin came into the bookstore.

He walked toward her and kissed her, it caught her completely off guard and for a minute, she forgot everything she wanted to ask him.

"Nab, sorry I am late" he apologized whispering through the kiss.

"Hum..." she mumbled, still carried away by the intensity of the kiss

"Should we go? Where do you want to eat?" He asked. He was starving, and Nabi was not moving at all.

Jimin grabbed her hand and brought her back to reality. Nabi pulled herself together, she really needed to talk to him.

During lunch, both were caught up in their thoughts, so they barely talked to each other.

Jimin was still thinking about RM concert and if he should attend. Nabi, on her side, was trying to find strength to confront her husband about his secret.

After some time, Nabi decided to go first.

"Mochi, what's on your mind – you seem out of the weather these days?" She paused, looking at him hoping to catch his attention. "You know you can tell me everything," she asked, gently touching his hand.

Jimin got surprised by Nabi's question, could she suspect something about him looking for his friends. Now was probably the right time to tell her everything. If he wanted things to work out between them, trust was the most important things to have.

"I have been a bit preoccupied these days, and I probably should have told you sooner about it." He looked down but keep talking.

"Is it about JK and Busan?" She said, not being able to hold this any longer.

Jimin looked surprised, and she immediately regretted her words.

"How do you know about Jungkook?" He did not realize his voice tone raised up, until he read worry in Nabi's eyes. "Did you read my notebook?" He took her hand abruptly.

And suddenly he remembered the time when she acted weird in the middle of the night.

Nabi stared at Jimin, he looked so furious right now, she did not know what to do.

So, she kept her head down, hoping he would calm down and this would not break their 'new' relationship.

"Mochi, I am so sorry. I did not want to do it ..."

"Then, why did you?" abruptly cutting her off. Jimin did not even know why he was so mad right now, it's not like it was a huge secret.

"I don't know. I was just worried about you, you seemed so sad these days but you were not talking to me at all." She looked at him, tears in her eyes, truly hoping he would somehow forgive her.

Jimin needed some fresh air, to calm down, he left the restaurant leaving Nabi completely wrecked behind.

Nabi truly thought she messed up everything, she paid and walked outside.

Jimin was standing next to the restaurant, she walked toward him to apologize once again but instead, he pulled her in and hugged her.

"I am sorry Nab, I completely overreacted back there. I should not have yelled at you like that." He whispered, while holding her tight. Nabi instantly laid back.

"That's ok, we both did something we did not want to. What matters is that we trust each other." And suddenly she connected the dots. "Jungkook is one of your friends, right?"

"Yes, he is and he come from Busan ... I thought maybe I would be able to find him back. I missed them so much."

"Aren't you afraid that it will be more painful to see them but they don't recognize you anymore?" She kindly asking him, not wanting to hurt him.

"I know, but I need to try. Don't worry about me." He softly kissed her forehead.

They stayed a little longer holding to each other, Nabi knew she would support him like she always did but right now, she could not hold her tears from rolling on Jimin's chest. 

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