33 - Nomination

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Summer was already over and everything happened so fast over the past couple of weeks.

In Busan, Nabi was now 6 months pregnant and Jimin was still not aware, it started to become critical and she was truly hoping, like she did for the past 6 months, that he would be able to come back soon.

In Seoul, the guys were enjoying their recent success with the release of their first album, Pied Piper being broadcasted on every Korean radio and their MV reaching views online.

Despite all of this, they all expected a break soon to be able to go back home to their family.

Right now, the group was sitting in Suga's office. Suddenly, he entered making a fuss.

"Guys are you ready for the best news of your life?" Suga always knew how to manage an entrance.

"NO!" Taehyung and Jungkook replied together, laughing, probably very happy about their joke. These guys are really children, thought Jimin while Hobi was laughing.

"Very well." He stood up and start walking to the door. The issue with Suga is that you never know if he is serious or joking.

Four pair of eyes were now looking at him totally disconcerted.

"Sorry Hyung, come back." He turned back, smiling. Definitely missing an acting career.

"So, like I was about to say, before being interrupted." He looked at both Taehyung and Jungkook who looked down. "I have a very exciting news." Hobi started tapping on the desk for drum roll effect.

"You have been nominated for Rookie of the year at Melon Music Award."

"Shut up!"

"No way!"


Only Jimin did not say anything, he phased out remembering already wining this award 9 years ago. He was still very happy about the nomination.

"The ceremony will happen in 2 weeks. You know what that means?" Rehearsal ...

They went down to their training room, Hobi already had so many ideas for the show but Jimin only had one idea and could not focus. Their choreographer was yelling, because Jimin was missing every step.

"What's going on? Guys, we only have 2 weeks to get ready. FOCUS!" Yes, their choreographer was not the nicest man that exist but he was very professional and they needed him.

"Sorry! I just need to call someone now" He did not even wait to hear the answer and rushed out.

He wanted to call Nabi and bring her to the award ceremony, it would be a great opportunity to see her.

"Nab! I have excited news" He was so happy, that he was jumping around. "Mochi, Hi! Tell me." It was always good to hear his voice.

"We have been nominated for Rookie of the year at Melon Music Award"

"Oh Mochi, I am so happy! Well deserved. I am listening to all your music and have them playing in the bookstore." She was very happy but that was again pushing his potential return to Busan. "Wait, there is more"

"Oh – Tell me!" That might be the news she was waiting for since so many months. "I want you to come to the ceremony in Seoul, so we can see each other – Finally!".

"..." That was not what Nabi expected and she remained silent wondering what she was supposed to do.

"Nab?" He was still hearing her breathing but she did not say anything, he was hoping for another reaction. "Yes, I am here. I am sorry Mochi but I won't be able to come".

"What? Why?" Jimin could not believe she was saying no.

Was now the right moment to tell the truth? Nabi wondered but she could not.

"I have lot of events happening at the bookstore and Jungkook's mother asked me to manage some of administrative for his studio." She surprised herself with this lie.

"Oh" Jimin could not hide his deception. After all these months, they could finally be together, and she did not even try. 

"I am sorry, Mochi. I wish I could have come."

"Hm whatever! Have to go, they wait for me for rehearsal. Take care".

"I love you, Mochi" but he already hung up. She knew she should have done things differently, but she could not bear to face him during an event like that, he truly needed to focus.

Everything seemed so hard these days and she was slowly losing control, the baby was kicking hard, so she was not sleeping well, she still did not say anything to the man she loved and she just pushed him away.

She sat on the floor, put her arms around her knees and let the tears running.

Jimin hung up and smashed his phone against the wall. He was very angry but mostly against himself. It was his fault if they were there now, unable to see each other, it's been six months, it was driving him crazy.

He wandered around, trying to calm down and let the frustration slipping away. When he went back to the training room, they all looked at him.

"What happened?" Jungkook was the first one to ask him.

"Hm, don't worry. I just thought that Nabi would come to the ceremony and she told me she could not because she had to manage some stuff for your studio with your mum." He bit his lips, trying to keep the pain and frustration inside, it was not the time to explode. 

It will be fine, breathe!

"What? She actually told you this?" Jimin looked at Jungkook and understood that something was wrong. "That's not possible, I actually closed the studio two months ago to focus on the group and not put any burden on my mum's shoulder."

After everything we have been through, Nabi, why would you lie to me? 

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