30 - Red dress

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The next days the four singers were working on new song that Suga created, he has always been so good at writing and creating.

It felt weird for Jimin to sing other song after so many years with BTS repository. But damn singing was GOOD.

Luckily, BTS seemed to never escape the picture, as Suga asked Jimin to help him work on new songs, after being impressed by the mash-up they did.

And this is how Pied Piper came on the table.

Over the weeks, they all work together on the arrangement and the choreography. The lyrics remained the same but the music changed, it was like doing a makeover. You ended up doing something new and different but still keeping the essence of the old.

Jimin and Hobi worked very hard on the choreography, sometimes staying late in the rehearsal studio and losing track of the hours. Every night he endured soreness, he did not practice that much for ages but when it rhymed with happiness, nothing else matters.

But the more he practiced and put himself into that new group, the more the notifications piled up on his phone.

One night where he came back to the hotel room, a little less tired than other days, he checked his phone and realized how many times Nabi tried to call him or even texted him. Lately, he messed up a lot with his promise.

Nabi picked up after the first ring.

"Mochi, hi" After so many days of silence, she did not expect him to call right now. "You haven't called, I was so worried!"

Jimin could tell she was troubled, probably angry. "Yes, sorry, it has been crazy these past days. Can't believe it's been already weeks."

"Are you coming home soon?" She still has not told him anything and she was already showing.

"I don't know, Nab. There is so much going on here but as soon as I can, I am in the first train." He bit his lips, knowing that he was not saying what she wanted to hear.

"Hm, ok I understand." She was rushing late to meet with some friends. "I need to go. Take care."

"I love you", but the only replies he got was the knowing sound when someone hung up.

Jimin laid down for a while on his bed, trying to figure out, like he did for the past weeks, if he was not about to mess up everything just by wanting everything. But like every time he was trying to probe his mind, something was coming up and distracted him. Right now, it was Taehyung jumping on him, well, thinking will be later then.

Nabi felt a little bad, acting like she did. Hanging up this way was childish but she could not help herself. Lately, with the hormones kicking up, she was not managing very well Jimin slipping through her fingers. He will come back, he promised and she fell asleep on that thought.

The next morning, Nabi looked at herself in the mirror, she could not hide any longer her pregnancy under large outfit, she was definitely showing now. There was nothing wrong with that, she was in fact a married woman but still she somehow felt a bit embarrassed at the bookstore, now that mostly everyone knew Jimin left for Seoul.

She decided to go with a more adjusted red dress, she wanted to feel pretty and Jimin always loved her in red. At least it will feel like he was here.

She received a lot of congratulations and it was just what she needed to feel better, the day was going very well, until someone she did not see for a long time, came in the bookstore.

These days, Jungkook's mother had deserted the bookstore and Nabi did not know the reason as nothing happened, she was about to know why. Mrs Jeon was walking in looking very upset.

"Welcome, Mrs. Jeon. I am very happy to see you back." She smiled at Jungkook's mother, she in fact missed her a lot.

"I can't believe your husband dragged my son into this. He barely talked to me these days and completely left out his studio. This is all your husband's fault." She paused and looked at Nabi. "Oh, my dear, I did not know, how far are you?"

"4 months." She looked down at her showing belly and put her hands around it. "I am sorry for Jungkook, but I think he chose by himself and Jimin did not do anything." She felt the tears coming up. Grr stupid hormones.

"Oh, dear, I am sorry. I did not want to yell at you." She saw Nabi's tear and felt bad. "I am just a worried mother but I imagine that the situation is not ideal for you either."

Suddenly, Nabi felt she could finally let go of everything she was recently holding back, everything she was trying to manage by herself, she felt she finally found someone to listen to her.

"It's not. Jimin does not even know yet, we barely talked since he left and it's not something that can be said over the phone." All the pressure from the last weeks was finally out and she had to sit while crying everything out. She felt two arms hugging her and she was thankful for Jungkook's mother for coming today.

"Everything will be alright, don't worry. This man loves you, I saw it." She gently pulled Nabi's face up, so she looks at her. 

"But you need to tell him, he deserved to know and believe me dear, you don't want to raise a kid by yourself."

I know, she thought, wiping off the tears from her face. 

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now