13 - Promise

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Nabi spent the afternoon writing down idea to organize the exhibition but deep down, she could not stop thinking that the more she was helping Jimin to find his friend back, the more she could lose him.

She could not bear to see him in pain and for that she would do anything to make him happy, but in the end that might cost her, her own happiness.

It was probably too soon to evaluate what would happen, she, in fact, had no idea what the future would bring once Jimin and Jungkook would see each other and for the rest of the day, she held on to that thought.

At the end of the day, she had already drafted a lot of idea and start to make some plan for cost. Of course, everything would depend on Jungkook's acceptance and ideas too, artist can sometimes be really complicated to manage.

Lately, the bookstore was doing very well and she had been able to hire two new persons to help her, it was nice to be able to spare some time to focus on other things.

This exhibition could also be a nice opportunity for her to develop the store. While thinking about all this, Nabi was hoping that Jungkook was actually talented, mothers can sometimes embellish the truth when it comes to their son.

She came home feeling very exhausted. As soon, as she opened the door, Jimin held her tight in his arms and made her dancing while kissing her.

"Oh my, do what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked, trying to keep the rhythm. She was not a dancer like her husband.

Jimin did not answer and instead, continued to make her dance around the living room.

"Mochi, stop it. I need to catch my breath." She forced him to stop, she could already feel the first drop of sweat on her forehead.

After their dance interlude, they were both sitting on the couch and Nabi showed Jimin all her ideas and they decided to contact Jungkook tomorrow to present him the project.

They agreed that Nabi would contact him to propose the exhibit, her mother was a great customer that recommended her son and it would be great opportunity for them both.

After their discussion over diner, they finished the evening watching a movie on the couch. Nabi was so tired that she fell asleep only after 10min.

Jimin ensured she was warm enough, adjusting the plaid on her. He liked looking at her sleeping, however, at diner, he could tell she was concerned. Every time, she was, her little wrinkle between her eyebrow was growing and she had that little grin.

He needed to take care of her, lately he was so involved in looking for Jungkook that he felt he put her aside.

"I am sorry Nab," he whispered to not wake her up. "I feel that everything is repeating itself and I don't know what to do, to keep you and myself happy. I already lost you once, so probably should focus on you but I just can't give up on them."

He paused for a moment, trying to find the right words to express what he truly felt, then continued

"But I am sure, I just need to see them, they now have their own live, so there will be no consequences. I will love you and stay by your side, I promise," and he softly kissed her.

He was also feeling very tired, so he held her and brought her to the bedroom. He whispered good night and immediately fell asleep.

Nabi turned over and watched him sleep, earlier she did hear everything Jimin confessed and felt worried about it. There will come a time where he might have to choose between her and them. She held on to what he promised that he loved her and would stay by her side and felt asleep holding his hand.

They woke up in the arms of each other and looked at each other for a while like nothing else exist outside of them.

Nabi did not want to tell Jimin that she heard him yesterday, he confessed thinking she was sleeping and she should respect this, she did not want to make him uncomfortable.

"Morning Mochi, did you sleep well?" She kissed his nose.

"Morning Nab. I did yes." He kissed her back and hold her tight. "I have to teach all day, will you be ok by yourself today to manage everything?"

"I will, don't worry." She smiled at him, while moving out of the bed.

"No, stay a little longer with me." He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him.

"Haha, let me go." She tried to escape but Jimin was stronger than her and he squeezed her even tighter. "Ok 5 more minutes and then we go, or you're going to be late."

He put his head in his neck and took a great breath of her smell. In fact, she could stay like this forever, but they have a lot to do. She tickled him and as expected, he let go of her and she run to the bathroom.

She removed her clothes and turned the water on. She leaned her head back and enjoyed the hot water running on her face.

Jimin was still lying on the bed, but when he heard the water, he jumped out of it and joined Nabi in the bathroom.

She felt better when she heard Jimin coming in the shower with her. It became their ritual over time, he always ended up joining her.

"Did you miss me?" He whispered, while starting to walk his hands along her body.

He grabbed her thigh and put her legs around him then pressed her against the wall. She put her fingers through his hair and they started kissing each other.

She pulled his hair, he was loving that. She heard him groan a little, while going on with the pace. They knew so well each other bodies now that everything was done naturally between them.

They ended up being late, again ... 

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin