14 - The Movie

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Nabi rushed to the bookstore and quickly prepared her call with Jungkook. But first, she needed to pull herself together, she could not stop thinking about what happened this morning and it was not the moment to be aroused.

She made herself a cup of green tea and sort out some paper for accounting, she was now ready to call him.

"Hello," he answered after only one ring.

"Hi, I am Nabi. Your mother gave me your number, so I could call you and discuss with you about your work." Her voice was a little tense, why was she suddenly stressed.

"Oh. I, nice to meet you. My mom told me you would probably contact me. She always talked to me about your bookstore and how it is one of the best in Busan."

"Thank you, I really appreciate. Well, I have a big project to develop the bookstore and wanted to tell you about it. Your mother told me a lot about your art, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to organize an exhibit.

"Hum, that's interesting, but you never saw what I am doing." He answered, a little puzzled by the situation.

"True, but I trust your mother, and I did not say I would launch it tomorrow. I wanted to suggest the idea of an exhibit, it's always a good idea to introduce people to new artist. It could be great for both of us." She was hoping she would convince him enough, it was important for her but more importantly it was important for Jimin.

"Fair enough. I would love doing an exhibit, this is something I thought for a while. We can maybe meet so I can introduce you to my work." He was now feeling happy, it was maybe the opportunity for him to be more popular.

"That's sound like a good idea. Let's meet tomorrow morning."

"Sure, I can't wait to meet you."

He waited for Nabi to hang up first.

Nabi told herself that it went well and that now, there was no turning back.

She quickly sent a text to Jimin, to let him know about the call and that Jungkook would come tomorrow morning.

He replied immediately, saying that he would spend the whole morning at the bookstore, helping her, he did not have any class. Anyway, he would probably have skipped the class to meet Jungkook.

The day passed by as usual, Nabi had a lot do deal with administrative. She always hated accounting and it seemed it was mutual. On his side, Jimin was having a very long day and he started feeling very exhausted, it was now his 6th class.

Nabi and Jimin meet on their way back home and she proposed to go see a movie. Even if he felt tired, he agreed to go. These days, she was doing so much for him. In the dark, he would maybe be able to sleep a bit discretely, plus, she was always petting his hand when they were watching movie.

Nabi bought the ticket and Jimin the food, she took the advantage to drag them to see the last romance movie. Jimin will probably sleep, he was completely tired, so he wouldn't mind.

And this is what happened, he felt asleep after only 10min, grumbling at her for choosing a romance, but not before seeing who the main actor was.

Jin ... It was his friends Jin.

While sleeping against Nabi's shoulder, he thought about his Hyung, and that he probably would never be able to meet him again. Nabi took his hand and pet it, like she always did.

At the end of the movie, they remained the last, she could not bear to wake him up. He seemed troubled, his eyelids could not stop moving and she could not prevent herself to wonder what he was thinking about.

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum