20 - Revenge

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Nabi directly walked from the train station to the bookstore. She and Jungkook needed to finalize the last items for the exhibit in couple of days.

She was really stressed to see him again after what happened. She told him that everything was forgiven but still the situation would probably be awkward.

She arrived first and decided to prepare some tea and coffee to lighten the mood. By the time she finished to set up the table, she felt a hot breath on her neck

"Good morning, Nabi"

Nabi turned around to a Jungkook looking down, like a kid waiting to be punished.

"Morning" She smiled at him. "Why that pouty face?"

"I still f-feel sorry for – hum - how I behave" He was now shaking.

"Hey, look at me" She forced him using her hands. "I told you everything was ok. Let's put everything in the past and move on".

"Thank you, Nabi". Smile and color were finally back on his face.

"I think it's time to eat now." She was starving and kept looking at the breakfast she prepared.

"Yes, let's".

After eating and drinking, it was time to focus on work. Jungkook brought the projection of all the artwork he wanted and it truly looked amazing.

Everything was going so well, that they decided to do a rehearsal moving around all the furniture. They even asked Jungkook's mother to help them, trying the journey along the paintings.


Jimin woke up in his room in Daegu after an amazing sleep; seeing back his best-friend made him happier than he could ever thought.

Sleeping alone though made him realized how much he missed Nabi and thus he decided to come back earlier to Busan.

Taehyung told him, he would come the day before the exhibit to rehearse together and was busy for the next day, so there was no reason for him to extend his stay in Daegu.

He changed his ticket and took the train back to Busan in the afternoon, he could not wait to surprise Nabi. By the time he would arrive, she would probably still be at the bookstore and he would meet her there.


Jimin got off the train and directly walked to the bookstore, he did not say anything to Nabi, he wanted to surprise her.

Nabi and Jungkook were listening to the feedback from his mother, drinking some tea. Apparently, she was very happy with everything and you could tell she was proud of her son.

Jungkook walked her out and told her he would meet her at home, he needed to tell something to Nabi.

"Jungkook, why are you still here?" She was hoping he did not have anything in mind and that he learnt his lesson. "Did you forget something?"

"I wanted to thank you for the amazing opportunity" He was again back to blushing, he hated that and tried to control himself. What was wrong with me lately, he thought, he was acting like a teenager.

He looked behind her, and it's at this moment that he saw Jimin walked into the bookstore, Nabi could not yet see him.

Sometimes, despite everything you convinced yourself with, revenge ran into your veins and there is nothing you can do against it. Jungkook was about to taste it.

He got closer to Nabi and put his hand on her arm.

"I am happy that we put the kiss accident in the past. Wanted to be sure we do not talk about it anymore" And still he was talking about it again but this time it was to serve his purpose.

Nabi did not understand why Jungkook was mentioning that incident again, until she heard someone behind her.

"Y-you kissed?" Jimin was completely shocked and hardly could speak. He did not even wait for them to explain and rushed out of the bookstore. 

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now