24 - Exhibit

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After hours of rehearsal, the opening day was finally here and Nabi was the most excited about it.

She spent the whole night moving around and kicking Jimin so much that he ended up on the couch.

"Why did you sleep here?" She asked, while softly kissing him, his lips were so dry. "Let me bring you some water, you seem completely dehydrated".

"I am fine Nab. I just need some you." He kissed her again, but more intense this time, pulling her on his lap.

"I can't be late today. There is still so much to do before opening tonight". She parted from him, grasping some air.

"M-mhm" He pouted, but still his hands on her hips.

She stood up, walking toward the bathroom and then turn over to him. "Care to join?". She winked, teasing him was so easy.

"Don't ask me twice". He jumped on his feet, joining his wife in the bathroom.


The entire day passed by so fast, they all contribute to help finalizing the setting and now everything was ready.

Nabi was getting ready, she chose a long red dress split, very red carpet, she was the hostess after all.

"Wow, Nab, you look stunning" Jimin was completely amazed. "I am going to have to watch you closely tonight." He could not keep his eyes off her.

"Don't be ridiculous". She started blushing, she was always feeling uncomfortable with compliments. "You look very handsome yourself" Hot was the right word, but she kept if for herself.

Jimin was wearing a black suit, they all three agreed to go with classic for the first show. After checking himself one last time in the mirror, they both left for the bookstore.

By the time they opened the door, there was already a waiting line, Nabi and Jungkook could not believe it.

Jungkook was having a hard time taking his eyes off Nabi, she was looking amazing but he learned his lesson. The recent time with Jimin and Taehyung made him realize how he missed singing and did not want to blow his chance away.

As he walked around, he could already hear the nice comments from the guests, tears were almost coming but he shook his head and prepared himself to go up on stage.

The guys were already waiting for him.

They started singing Blue & Grey to go smoothly and check how the guest would react. It goes without saying, that it was huge success and it perfectly matched the exhibition.

Nabi stared at the stage for a long time, she was not admiring the three amazing singers performing like other guests, well mostly women guests were doing. She was in fact thinking how she never saw her husband happier than right now, with his former friend, doing what he loved the most.

Jimin chose this moment to cutely waved at her, which put her doubt away, at least for now.

She suddenly realized that she completely forgot to do some video for the bookstore Instagram and quickly took out her phone and start filming the stage, they were know singing the mash-up song and it was so amazing.

She rarely heard Jimin sing but right now, she was completely stunned by the harmony of their voices together.

The whole crowd also stopped to listen to them, the event could not have been better.

Along the night, Jungkook was even able to sell some of his painting, it was unbelievable. He would be forever thankful to Nabi and would need to pay her back.

But what truly made him thrill the most was not selling art but singing on stage, through the years, he made peace with not becoming an idol but he always missed that. Damn that felt good.

Taehyung could not believe he was performing on stage, in front of people, doing video on Instagram was different. Damn that felt good.

He was a little tense early in the evening, but now, he was pretty sure, he was born to be a singer. It would be hard to go back to Daegu and the farm, even though he never regretted choosing this life.

Jimin felt like he was finally home, performing again on stage. Damn that felt good.

It is at this moment that he realized that once again, he was caught between Nabi and performing. He looked at her, she was so beautiful tonight but he could see worry in her eyes, he cutely waved at her, hoping that it would drift away.


The whole week passed by quickly, each night was a success and they all could not be happier.

Nabi was spending a lot of time, uploading the different video on the bookstore social media, as part of the marketing strategy. It was important for her business and Jungkook's too.

The last night was already there and they were reunited all 4 to celebrate the end of the exhibit. They opened some champaign bottles, danced and sang together.

While everyone was having fun, Nabi received a message on her phone.

A message that will change their life forever.

A message she wished she would have not received.

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now