11 - Mrs Jeon

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Jimin woke up and looked around him, it was still dark outside. It was probably around 4 am and next to him, Nabi was peacefully sleeping.

He tenderly moved hair from her face, trying to not wake up her. 

What did we do last night ? 

Of course, it had been wonderful but still he used Nabi to ease his pain from seeing RM and it was not right.

He could not behave like this, it was not fair for Nabi. He stayed in bed a little bit longer watching her sleep and finally woke up and went out of the bedroom.

He poured himself some coffee and laid on the couch thinking about seeing his friends again. Nabi was right, it had been painful and it will probably be the same for the others but still, he could not give up the idea.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not hear Nabi sneaking behind him, she gently hugged him.

"What are you doing up so early, Mochi?" She muttered, still half asleep. "Come back to bed, I am not done with you." She was now trying to drag him back to bed holding his hand.

He laughed thinking about what his wife has in mind. Well, looking for his friends would not happen in the coming hours, he thought. So, he got up and let Nabi bringing him back to bed.

"And about your friend, I am sure I can help you find him. I know a lot of people in Busan." She whispered while pushing him.

I am lucky to have her, he thought and promised himself to never let her go again.

Couple hours later, Nabi woke up with the fresh smell of pancakes, her favorite breakfast. 

How could he possibly knew, she thought.

Then she remembered that he also knew her in the other life, she was still so confused by this story. Anyway, she swept this thought away shaking her head then jumped out of the bed.

She silently walked in the kitchen but stay at the door and just looked at Jimin for a while, she could fell her heart beating faster.

Suddenly, Jimin felt someone was watching him, he looked up and saw Nabi was leaning against the door wearing only his white shirt.

"What are you looking at? You can't get enough of me, right?" He said laughing. She was now blushing, he loved messing with her.

"You wish" she said, while jumping on the kitchen counter and ruffling his hair.

He pulled her closer to him, lying just between her legs and leaned in toward her

"Nab, I am sorry" he whispered. She looked at him surprised, wondering why was he apologizing for because last night was amazing.

"About what Mochi?" She held his face between her hands to force him to look at her. "You did not do anything wrong."

Their nose was now touching, she was always doing that when she wanted to feel closer to him.

"Forget it." And he just kissed her to move on.

The whole day passed by with doing chores around the apartment for her and teaching classed for him. They ended up barely spent any time together.

In the evening, Nabi sat down for a moment and asked Jimin to join him on the couch for them to talk about finding Jungkook. Jimin started to list every detail he remembered about his younger friends.

So far, they had that Jungkook was born and raised in Busan, went to Baekyang Elementary and Middle School in Busan. Until the famous audition, stories would probably be the same.

Back there, after going to the audition, he moved to Seoul and debuted in BTS. Here, Jungkook probably did not went to the audition and thus they needed to find out what happened.

Nabi was carefully listening and helping Jimin to fill the blank, it appeared that some part of the story did change. She was able to confirm him that him and Jungkook attend the same school here in Busan and probably knew each other or at least saw each other. Jimin was 2 years older and probably was Jungkook's senior.

Jimin was so happy and very excited about the progress they made. He could not stop himself hugging and kissing Nabi for her help.

Nabi was curious to know what Jungkook looked like, she might have already seen him in Busan without even knowing.

Jimin could not hold still, he was so excited about seeing his friend again. Nabi looked at Jimin and felt emotional seeing her husband so happy.

Trying to calm him down, she asked for Jungkook's full name, in case it would ring any bell. In fact her bookstore was one of the biggest in Busan.

At the moment she heard the name, she could not hold a smile ... it did ring a bell. One of her most loyal customers was a Mrs. Jeon, the probability that it would be Jungkook's mom was very small but still she wanted to hold on to it ... for Jimin.

Jimin saw the smile on Nabi's face and fixed her until she said something. He could not wait any longer.

"What? What? What?" He almost shook her to get an answer. "Tell me something, you smile since earlier but did not say anything."

"Stop it, you almost made me fall from the couch." And then she stopped talking, just to mess with him. She looked at him and smiled.

"Seriously, do you want me to go mad! I am going to get the answer out of you one way or another." He jumped on her and start tickling her.

They fight on the couch, laughing so hard until Nabi could not hold it anymore and caved.

"Ok you win, stop it! I will tell you." She smiled pushing him away. "One of my best customers is a Mrs. Jeon, so she MIGHT..."

and she really insisted on the might so that Jimin would not get his hopes up.

"...be Jungkook's mom"

"Or wife" .... Jimin added.

That could be true but felt so weird saying it out loud.

"In fact, she needs to pick up books she ordered tomorrow at the bookstore, why don't you come and we can figure out."

Jimin was so excited about that news, he was one step closer to find back Jungkook.

It was now late and Jimin was tired from today's classes but apparently Nabi had other plans in mind. She grabbed his hand and took him to their room.

He could get used to end day like this all the time ...  

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