18 - Old Friend

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The minute Nabi left Jimin regretted everything that happened but it was too late, she was gone. He kept thinking about what he would tell her to apologize. 

She accepted him and the story without saying anything, she even helped him find his old friends back and in return, he blamed her for nothing. He would really have to make amends tonight when she would be back.

While waiting for her to come back, he was on the couch swiping on Instagram. What is amazing with the algorithm is that you almost never know what video will appear next. And just like that a video of Taehyung singing in his room in Daegu, appeared on Jimin's phone. He watched the videos on Taehyung's profile for almost all evening, he missed his best-friend so much. In this life too, he was so talented but probably also did not went to the audition.

Jimin was so absorbed watching his former best-friend's video, that he barely heard Nabi coming back from the restaurant.

She came in, took off her shoes and saw Jimin on the couch watching video on his phone. She was too troubled to fight with him right now, so she started walking to the bedroom to go to sleep.

He grabbed her wrist, as she was passing by. "Nab, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I acted like a complete jerk and I am sorry." He suddenly realized that Nabi was crying.

Jimin pulled her back on the couch with him.

"What's wrong Nab? Did something happen over dinner? Did Jungkook do something to you? Talk to me!" He begged her, he was really worried now. 

 He was already telling himself that he would kick Jungkook's face if something happened, even if it would break his heart.

"He did not." Well in fact he did, but she was not sure that now was the right time to mention this. In fact, she was more troubled by what she learned about Jimin cheated on her but she could not confront him, the one in front of her was not the one that did it.

"I am just very tired and probably need to sleep a lot. I accept your apologies by the way," and she kissed him goodbye.

Jimin looked at her wife walking away and was sure that something was not right. He was hoping that nothing went wrong with Jungkook. He decided to also go to bed, tomorrow would be a better day.

When he came in the bedroom, Nabi was already in bed and the light were turn off. Jimin quickly slipped into bed and hugged Nabi as tight as he could.

"Please talk to me, I can't bear to see you sad."

She moved and turned over to face him. They could barely see each other in the dark, but still Jimin could sense she was still crying.

"Alright. Please understand that it does not really concern you, but the other you." She took a deep breath. "Over dinner, Jungkook explained me why it was tense with you. It seemed that 10 years ago, you kissed his girlfriend during a party." 

Jimin immediately understood why she was so troubled, at this time, "he" was already in couple with her.

"I think the worse is that I can't even blame somebody because it was not you. I feel completely betrayed but I guess this is in the past now and I just need to move on with you." She willingly decided to leave the kiss out of the confession, there was already too much going on, it would only bring more pain and anger.

"I am sorry Nab. I wish I could do something to make you feel better."

"Hold me close and promise me to never leave me."

"I promise." He whispered while holding her tight and they fell asleep holding on to each other


Jungkook came home feeling completely troubled by what happened in the car with Nabi. He should have never kissed her and still she pushed him away very kindly without any anger.

He was hoping that it would not throw away the exhibit, it was very important for him.

Just before going to sleep, he decided to send her a text to apology and to ask her to forgive him.


Jimin woke up first, the night had been difficult with what he learned the night before. It is a very strange feeling to learn that you have done some bad things whereas it was not even you.

He would probably not be able to reconnect further with Jungkook and that also was bringing him a lot of pain.

While Nabi was still sleeping, he put on some clothes and decided to go for a run to clear his mind. As usual, he ran until his favorite spot at the beach. He lied down on the sand and look at the sky; here in Busan, the sky was always more blue and pure than in Seoul.

As he would probably not be able to do anything with Jungkook for now, he thought about going to Daegu to see Taehyung. He was truly the one he missed the most and that would let Nabi and Jungkook managing the exhibit on their own. He looked over his phone and bought a train ticket for the next day. The timing was perfect, it was the beginning of the holiday period.

He was now time to come back home. He bought some flowers on the way, it was always a good idea.

Nabi woke up alone and panicked for a minute until she saw the note on Jimin's pillow

I went running. Don't worry, I am coming back before you wake up.

You lied, she told herself smiling and walking out of the bedroom. She looked at her phone and saw Jungkook's text to apologize. She replied saying she forgave him but from now on they would have strict business relationship.

Jimin, in fact, did not lie. When she came in the kitchen, Jimin was standing there preparing some coffee. When he heard her, he turned over and smiled to her.

"You're up. I was about to go waking you up with breakfast in bed. You miss your chance." He walked toward his wife and kissed her on her head.

"That's ok." She sat on the counter, like she always did and watched her husband cooking.

"Are you feeling any better?" He encouraged her to look at him, by lifting up her chin. He also took the opportunity to offer her the flowers.

"Aw they are beautiful. Thank you Mochi." She grabbed her face and kissed him.

He stopped her before it goes too far, he really needed to tell her about Daegu and Taehyung.

"Wait Nab', I really need to talk to you about something." He took a deep breath, he was hoping that she would not be bumped by the news.

She crossed her arms. "Mhm, what's about?"

"Yesterday, while you were out, I found some video of Taehyung on Instagram. He lived in Daegu, I think in his parents' farm."

He stopped to let Nabi process the news. She did not know what to think, from what she understood, Taehyung was Jimin's best-friend back then. She did not say anything just stared at him.

"As things are a bit complicated with Jungkook, I thought it would be a good opportunity to go to Daegu and meet Taehyung. That would leave you some space for you to work on the exhibit, you're still doing it, right?"

"Yes, we are still doing it, it is a good thing for the bookstore." She hugged him so he could not see the pain in her eyes. 

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now