12 - Bookstore

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The next morning, Jimin woke up very early, he in fact he barely slept the whole night. He decided to go for a run, it would clear his mind and make the time goes faster. He ran until the beach, sat down for a while and just let his thoughts wandering.

Even if he felt very happy these past days, he was still struggling with the whole situation, specially about the extent of all this. The more he will keep a foot in this life, the hardest it will be to leave everything behind.

He did not realize how much time passed until Nabi called him, worried because he was still not back.

He quickly ran back to the apartment but not before buying some flower to apologize on the way.

He walked in with his best smile on and hugged Nabi.

"Nab, sorry, I forgot to leave a note before going out." He covered her face with kisses.

"Stop it, that's ok, I was just a bit worried. Don't do it again, promise me", she said while putting the flowers into a vase.

"I promise." He touched her nose with his, like they always did.

"Now go take a shower, you stink." She pushed him away with a disgust look on her face but still smiling.

He quickly took a shower and got ready. He had to teach class this morning and then he would be able to go to the bookstore.

They took their breakfast together and talked about everything, like any married couple would do. How things can move fast, it's been only 3 months.

They both left together the apartment and kissed goodbye at the next intersection.

During the class, he barely was able to focus, he was only thinking about meeting Mrs. Jeon. His advanced class was working on one of the BTS choreography but still he got the steps wrong several times. He apologized to his students but in the end, they were happy to finish early.

He left the school and walked toward the bookstore, hoping that he did not miss his chance. As soon as he walked in, Nabi saw him and shook her head as a silent no, what a relief.

A few minutes later, a very beautiful and elegant women entered and Jimin immediately knew who she was, she had not changed at all.

In front of him, stood Jungkook's mother.

Jimin confirmed to his wife that it was the right person, winking in her direction. Nabi welcomed her and immediately started the conversion about the books she ordered.

Few minutes later, she waved Jimin so he could come and join them.

"Mrs. Jeon, may I introduce you to my husband, Jimin. Can I let you two get to know each other while I am going in the reserve to bring your order?"

"Sure, dear." She smiled to Nabi, then looked at Jimin. "How long have you been married to Nabi? I don't recall seeing you before."

"It's been 5 years, but I have been away for some time." He needed to quickly imagine something to cover up the reality. "On my side, I have the feeling that I already saw you". 

Of course he did, she used to be like her second mom.

"Don't you have a son, that went to Baekyang High School in Busan?"

She looked surprised for a minute, tried to look again at Jimin's face in case she would remember something. "I do, Jungkook is almost 25 now. Were you in the same class?"

"Yes, I was his senior, I am 2 years older. I can't believe how time flies, what is he doing now?

"He is an artist, he already done some exhibit around Busan. I am proud of him."

"Wow that's impressive, always thought he would end up in music industry though."

"He could have, but I think it's for the best he did not."

She seemed a little concerned saying that and Jimin caught it. He wondered what could have been the reason for Jungkook to not join Hybe and why his mom was relieved about it.

Nabi came back at this moment with all the books and everybody got suddenly quiet.

"Is everything alright?" Asked Nabi but really looking at Jimin.

"Yes" he replied kissing her. "Let me help you with that." He took the book and went to the counter.

"My dear, you have truly an amazing husband, keep him carefully. I think it would be a good thing for Jungkook to catch up with him."

"I sure will, thank you Mrs. Jeon." Nabi wished this would be true and did not linger over this thought. "I am sure that would be great for both." she replied while accompanying her to the counter.

Mrs. Jeon paid for the five books and before leaving, looked at them and smiled

"Take care of each other, love and happiness are what matters the most. Here is Jungkook's number, I also add the address of his studio. Jimin, please contact him, it would be a good think for you to catch up."

Jimin and Nabi waved her goodbye and then look at each other, smiling.

"I can't believe, it was her mother. It's like everything fit perfectly for you to meet again."

She felt truly happy for Jimin but deep inside, she kept thinking that every step he made to find his friends would drive them further apart.

"Thanks to you," he hugged her and kissed her on her head. "Now, we need to think, how to reach to him."

"For that, I might have an idea. What do you think about throwing an exhibition here and exposed Jungkook's work? That would be great, right?"

Jimin was amazed by his wife and all the energy she was putting to help him.

"I think it's a great idea. Let's plan that together and organize as soon as possible. I can't wait to see him."

Nabi smiled at him, then she went to the reserve while wiping the tear that just had formed in the corner of her eye.  

I WISHED to love you again || JIMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now