The aftermath of the date

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Amy and Abi were sat on the sea wall looking out to sea.

"Amy, what Rory did, he was just trying to save people, you know what he's like, it's what he does for a living".

"I know, but he could have died, for a moment there I didn't care about the other people, I just wanted Rory out and safe, does that make me selfish".

"No, it makes you a wife, you're in shock Amy, but Rory, he's a hero, he got everyone out safely"

Amy nodded, "you're right, I should probably go and find him"

"You don't need to" Rory walked up behind them and looked at Amy.

Abi got off the wall, "I'll leave you guys alone" she walked back to the restaurant to find Jeff".

Rory sat on the wall next to Amy, "Amy I am so sorry, I wasn't thinking, I just..."

"It's me who should be apologising, for walking off like that, I was just so scared" she took hold of his hand, "I thought you were dead for a moment"

"Oh Amy" he got off the wall and helped her off before hugging her tightly, "I really am so sorry"

"It's okay, you were just being a hero, you're my hero" she kissed him "I love you"

"I love you too, always".

Amy and Rory: an auWhere stories live. Discover now