The Twins first birthday

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It was Jessica and Arthurs first birthday and it was Rory's day off so he was helping Amy set up for the party. The guests were arriving at 1pm and there was a lot to do.

They finished putting up the decorations and getting the food ready at half 11 so they got all the kids washed and dressed and then chilled on the sofa as a family, opening the twins presents.

The first people to arrive were Amy's parents, they put their presents for the twins down on the table and joined them in the lounge, "hey guys, happy birthday Jessica and Arthur, I can't believe they're a year old already!"

Amy smiled, "me neither"

It was 5pm when the party finished and most people had gone home, Rory's and Amy's parents had stayed to help with the cleaning up whilst Amy and Rory got the twins ready for bed.

After all 4 kids were in bed (at 8pm) Amy and Rory were lying on the sofa cuddling.

"Today went well" Rory smiled at Amy and kissed her, "you did a great job".

"We both did" she smiled back, "the twins got loads of great presents as well"

"Yeah, there's some amazing stuff here".

Amy smiled even more and traced her finger along Rory's neck and cheek before kissing him deeply, "I love you so much".

"I love you too" he smiled and pulled her onto her side, lying on his side too before kissing her passionately.

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