Amys 31st Birthday

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Amy woke up to Rory looking at her smiling and she looked at him strangely, "Rory that is really creepy"

"Happy birthday Amy" he leant down and kissed her.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around him and kept the kiss going for a couple of minutes

"Oh I could kiss you all day"

"We must try that one day, just staying in bed and having fun" she winked at him and laughed.

"That sounds like a great idea, not today though, it's your birthday and we have children". He kissed her quickly and got out of bed, getting dressed.

She watched him before getting up and doing the same. "So what we doing today?"

"Well, since your birthday date sucks and is in November when its cold" he wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around his shoulders, "I thought we could take the kids to that indoor play area place over the other side of Leadworth".

"That sounds like fun, tomorrow though we have to do my idea of staying in bed all day".

"Deal" he kissed her again, "Do you want to get the kids ready or make breakfast today?"

"Well, you got the kids ready yesterday so its my turn" she smiled and went towards the kids room.



"I love you" he smiled at her

She smiled back "I love you too"

Amy and Rory: an auWhere stories live. Discover now