The letter

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It had been 5 hours since Rory had gone for a walk and Amy had left him a number of voice mails but he wasn't picking up, eventually she decided to write him a letter for when he got home before she went up to bed.

"Dear Rory,

I am so far beyond sorry about accusing you of cheating on me, I shouldn't have said what I did, sometimes I get the feeling that I'm not good enough for you, and I wouldn't blame you if you did find someone better than me, I'm such a terrible wife. For all the times I've shouted at you and argued with you for no reason, well I'm sorry. I just want you to know that when you do come home, I'll be in bed waiting, it's your choice if you want to join me. I love you Rory, I always will, I'm going to be a better wife, I promise.

All my love, Amy"

Two hours later Amy was lying in bed awake, staring at the ceiling, she had heard Rory coming up the stairs and looked at him when he came into the room.


She sat up, "hey"

"I umm, I read your letter" he went over and sat down next to her, taking hold of her hand, "you're not a terrible wife Amy, I admit that I didn't like the fact that you accused me of cheating on you, but I've been doing some thinking. I talked to my mum and she helped me see it from your point of view, you were right, it did look bad".

She teared up, "I am so so sorry Rory"

"Hey it's okay" he pulled her into a hug, "I'm sorry I was gone for so long, I just needed to clear my head"

"I don't blame you" she looked at him, "can we just put this day behind us".

"I would like that very much" he stroked her cheek and kissed her, "I love you Amy"

"I love you too" she kissed him back and hugged him again.

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