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Knowing that Taehyung and Jimin figured it out, Jin did not see any reason to include them in this...well, meeting of sorts. Which was useful for a myraid amount of things. For one, he would need someone, or a pair of people he supposed, to help distract Jungkook so that the youngest did not get overly anxious, and he did not see any reason as to why Taehyung and Jimin would need to figure out what the meeting would be about, it was not necessary, they already knew that Jungkook was from the North either way, and it certainly explained quite a few things-none the least the large quantity of simple snacks that Jin knew that neither Taehyung or Jimin would typically get other wise. They did not tend to...well, Jin had to admit that he was kind of surprised by the sort of snacks that were heaped into the bag. Either the two members did not like the snacks, or they just did not care for them more so than some of the other snacks he knew were available. It was...rather odd in the end. It made sense now that he thought about it, because Jungkook probably had not had those sorts of snacks before, and so they had piled up on them so that he could try them.

It made him warm, knowing that the two were doing their best to try and help the boy settle himself in. Whilst it was clear that he had been in the South for quite some time, if his reputation was anything to go by, it was obvious that he had not necessarily healed from the things that had gone on. Hopefully this would be somewhat healing for Jungkook, but Jin doubted it. There was so many things wrong with this picture, and the most included how damaged Jungkook's psyche would likely be at the end of this situation. He knew that Taeyong was quite...ambitious to say the least, but to risk...to risk Jungkook's mental well being? Jin did not know if it was worth it. It almost made him want to refuse the entire program in the first place. Force Taeyong to find other people.

They all cared for their country, held a loyal patriot like love for it, but he did not think he could find a way to justify this situation. Not what Taeyong had done, and what he was going to do to Jungkook. The boy had clearly been through way more than anything that they could figure, and he did not know that this was the most...ideal way for Jungkook to heal. He sighed, Hobi glanced towards him worriedly. Jin knew that he had not been the same since he realized what was going on, and mentioning in the Hyung chat that he wanted to have a conversation tomorrow afternoon whilst Taehyung and Jimin took Jungkook to the part to get familiar with the city definitely probably did not help matters.

Jin shook his head, motioning Hobi that he was fine and not to worry. Despite what many may think, Hobi was quite observant, and whilst he did not always pick up on the actions and reactions and the moods and the history behind people nearly as quickly, or perhaps as easily, as Taehyung and Jimin, he knew that the other was still able to pinpoint emotional surges. It was useful in the best of times. Hobi would have noticed that he was not his normal self, he knew that the other would figure it out somehow, and the chat did not help either way, as he had avoided mentioning why it was that he wanted to have a talk with all of the Hyungs.

Really he was feeling guilty. Despite his resolution that this was the best decision, and his determination to push through with it, he still felt kind of...guilty. He was about to out Jungkook's past to people who may or may not understand it, or who had figured it out and who had not. He was sure some of them had figured it out, but he was not sure who had figured out Jungkook's past, and who had not, so of course he felt bad about having a secret meeting to inform everyone of what he had figured out. He was sure that this was the best option, though.

He knew that it was partially the reason that Jungkook was so wary around them, and he doubted that Jungkook-despite what he was sure was plenty of needling from Jimin and Taehyung to inform them-would be comfortable saying that he was from North Korea. Furthermore, he was also probably cheating on what Taeyong had wanted, which was figuring it out for themselves.. He was certain that was at least part of the reason why Taeyong had been so determined to recruit Jungkook, beyond the obvious advantages of having a talented Psychologist, and a person who understood the minds of the people that they were tracking because they had lived through similar things.

He was going to do this, if not for the sanctity of the team, for Jungkook. He just...sort of hoped that he was making the right decision. It was a dangerous choice of his to make, but he knew that it was the right one at the end of the day, despite his worry and anxiety surrounding it. Jin curled his fingers into his palms, taking a deep breath as he tried to calm the worry down.

It was definitely the right choice, no matter what his mind may be trying to tell him otherwise. He knew that he was doing the right thing when he saw the small smile that Jungkook shared with Taehyung and Jimin, only to tense ever so slightly as NamJoon interjected into the conversation, smiling down at the sitting group of three. He will never be truly comfortable unless we all know. Then...Then he will maybe begin to heal from what had been done to him. 

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