Chapter 2: Sinister

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Before dawn breaks, Taehyung groggily wakes up from his short sleep. He softly smiles when he sees Seokjin sleeping peacefully for once. I'll stay with you every night from now on. 

"Hyung, did you call someone to bring our clothes for today?" Taehyung whispers as he walks over to a very sleepy Jimin.

"Yeah." Jimin mumbles and looks around with fluffy bedhead.

"Okay. I'm going to get ready. I have an early meeting." Taehyung whispers and walks over to the garment bag Jimin pointed at.

As he prepares for the day, his phone rings. Taehyung softly curses when he sees the caller ID. There is no one that he hates more in the world than the man he is tied to by the golden band around his ring finger. He clenches his fists, walks out of the room, and answers the call.

"Where were you last night?" The man asks when Taehyung answers the phone.

"I was with Hyung," Taehyung answers with gritted teeth.

"You didn't tell me." The man scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"I didn't realize that I needed to tell you everything. I'm an adult." Taehyung growls into the phone.

"Easy there. I was just calling to make sure that you will actually show up to the luncheon with my parents today. I was afraid that you would be passed out somewhere with your dick up someone's ass. You know, I do find it very embarrassing when you are in such unseemly situations." The man mocks Taehyung and then hangs up.

Taehyung feels like screaming and throwing his phone down the hallway but stops himself when he hears his brother and Jimin talking. So, he straightens himself up and makes sure that he is calm then walks into the room.

"Tae, who was that?" Seokjin asks and looks at his little brother.

"It was Lee Doyun. He was just making sure that I remember the lunch with his parents today." Taehyung smiles as he answers his brother. He will never let his brother know how much suffering he is going through.

"Oh! Have fun!" Seokjin smiles and reaches out for Taehyung's hand.

Jimin looks at Taehyung with concern but decides to wait and ask after they leave Seokjin for the day.

"Hyung, Jimin and I have a meeting to go to, so we have to go." Taehyung softly tells his brother as he straightens out his hair.

"M'kay. Be safe. Don't worry about coming later today. I'll be ok by myself." Seokjin smiles and gently pets his little brother's head.

As Taehyung and Jimin leave the hospital, Taehyung informs the nurses that his brother needs a new IV. He is beyond grateful that everyone at the hospital is kind and careful with his brother.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jimin asks once they are outside of the hospital.

"Yeah, I'm good. I am just grateful that I didn't have to see him yesterday. I am not looking forward to listening to his fussy mother and bitchy father over lunch." Taehyung grumbles and gets into the driver's seat.

"Race you to work?" Jimin asks and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Absolutely not." Taehyung huffs and shuts the door.

To Taehyung's horror, they end up racing to work. He knows that he and Jimin were cursed out many times during their drive.

"You almost fucking hit me!" Taehyung shrieks as he jumps out of his car.

"I would never!" Jimin defends and ducks Taehyung's playful punch.

"Aish!" Taehyung grins and tackles Jimin.

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