Chapter 31: Moving Forward

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Once Jimin and Yoongi arrive in Seoul, they go to Jimin's penthouse together. When they walk into Jimin's penthouse, Jimin groans in annoyance. There are beer bottles and soju bottles scattered all over the floor, and Hwamin is passed out on the couch with empty snack packages surrounding her.

"Hwamin, I swear to god." Jimin groans and marches over to his cousin. "Yah! Get up." He hisses then grimaces when he smells the stench of alcohol. 

"Oppa?" Hwamin grumbles sleepily as she opens her eyes.

"You smell horrible." Jimin frowns and scrunches his nose up in disgust.

"Oppa! You're here!" Hwamin cries and reaches out to hug Jimin.

"Will she need these?" Yoongi's deep, calm voice draws the cousins' attention.

"She definitely does." Jimin smiles and takes the Advil and water from Yoongi.

"Holy fuck. Since when did you have a handsome friend like this? You shouldn't have let him see me like this!" Hwamin whines as she hides her face behind her hands.

"He's my boyfriend. Trust me, he is not interested in your slobby self." Jimin chuckles as he watches his younger cousin with amusement.

"Since when did you have a hot boyfriend?" Hwamin asks in shock.

"Seriously?" Jimin hisses and shoves the Advil into his cousin's mouth. "I post him all over my social media. If you checked on me once in a while, you would have known."

"That's why this place looks like you haven't lived here in a while. You live with your boyfriend." Hwamin hums after downing the Advil.

"More or less." Jimin sighs and shakes his head. "Go shower. You stink. After you shower, clean this mess up, then we will talk."

"Does your boyfriend know that you are mean?" Hwamin pouts as she gets up from the couch like a scolded child.

"Seeing as I have attacked him in the past, I would say he does." Jimin chuckles and shoos his cousin.

"Damn. He knows you are mean, but he still looks at you like that? He is whipped." Hwamin gasps in shock as she looks at Yoongi, who is fondly watching Jimin.

"Go. Stop embarrassing my boyfriend." Jimin shoves Hwamin to the bathroom.

Once Hwamin is in the bathroom, Jimin gags and grabs gloves and trash bags. He curses under his breath as he and Yoongi clean up Hwamin's mess.

"Did you see the bruises on her neck?" Yoongi calmly asks as he places several empty soju bottles into the glass recycling bag.

"I did. She always chooses violent partners. Taeyeon was rough on her when they were together that one night. Now she seeks that out in both men and women." Jimin mutters as a tear trickles down his face.

"Twins literally can be night and day." Yoongi hums and wraps his boyfriend in his arms.

"Tae literally inherited all of the kindness in the world, and Taeyeon inherited psycho-ness," Jimin whispers as his boyfriend comforts him. "Taeyeon sacrifices others for herself, and Taehyung sacrifices himself for others. At first, they were not raised any differently, but then Taehyung started waking up with bruises and bite marks. They were toddlers, but Taeyeon was already hurting him. When their parents caught Taeyeon hitting Taehyung, Taehyung was moved out of the shared nursery into Jin hyung's room. Anytime Taeyeon hit Taehyung, Taehyung would just smile and try to hug her, telling her that he forgave her. But now that I think about it, Taehyung never cried because Jungkook was clinging to him with big, teary eyes. Taehyung didn't want Jungkook to cry. Jin hyung started becoming very protective of Taehyung. He never left Taehyung alone with Taeyeon." Jimin explains as he and Yoongi sit on the couch together.

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