Chapter 11: By Your Side

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When Jimin walks into the hospital room, he is surprised to see his best friend glaring at him. "Did I do something wrong?" Jimin asks and looks around the room.

"I woke up, and my best friend wasn't there." Taehyung huffs with a pout.

"I'm sorry, Tae." Jimin smiles and walks over to his pouting friend.

"Did you have fun with Min?" Taehyung giggles and earns a playful slap from his friend.

"Shush! Nothing happened! I stayed in his guest room!" Jimin hisses and glares at Taehyung.

"The Great Park Jimin is telling me that nothing happened? Hmm, I don't believe him." Taehyung snickers while Jimin screeches in embarrassment.

"I got drunk, so he took me to his place and took care of me while I embarrassed myself and vomited all over him," Jimin mutters in complete embarrassment.

"Oh damn. The Great Park Jimin embarrassed himself in front of Min once again." Taehyung laughs while Jimin groans in embarrassment and rolls around on the hospital bed.

"What happened last time?" Seokjin asks as his curiosity gets the best of him.

"Jimin might have grabbed him by the collar and cursed him out." Taehyung grins while Jimin screeches in horror and bangs his head on the bed over and over again.

"Jimin-ah, you left your jacket in my car." Yoongi's voice causes Jimin to shriek and tumble off of the hospital bed.

The entire room busts into quiet snickers while Yoongi rushes over to Jimin to help him up. At this moment, Jimin wishes that the world would open up and swallow him.

"Th-thank you." Jimin stutters and takes his jacket from Yoongi.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi softly asks as he checks on Jimin.

"I-I'm okay. Just mortified." Jimin barely whispers and avoids Yoongi's worried gaze.

"Min, thank you for taking care of Jimin last night," Taehyung tells Yoongi and reaches his hand out to shake Yoongi's hand.

"Of course. I hope that you are feeling okay." Yoongi quickly and gently takes Taehyung's hand and shakes it.

"I am. Thank you for saving me." Taehyung smiles as he looks at a very flustered Yoongi. This is the first time that Taehyung has seen any emotion on Min Yoongi's face.

"I just wish that I had gotten to you sooner," Yoongi mutters and looks at the bruises on Taehyung's face.

"Well, now that everyone is here, I am ready to do something that I have been wanting to do," Taehyung mutters as he yanks the wedding band off of his finger. With a sigh of relief, he tosses the ring in the trashcan. "I am breaking the marriage contract."

"I will back you and make sure that you are safe throughout it all." Yoongi quickly tells Taehyung when he sees a flicker of fear in Taehyung's eyes.

"You are known for being ruthless, so I trust you." Taehyung hums and looks at his shaking hands.

Seeing how traumatized and emotional Taehyung is, Jungkook quickly wraps him in his arms and holds him close. Taehyung quietly cries out in relief as the man he loves holds him.

"Hopefully, that bastard goes to jail for hurting you." Hoseok huffs and crosses his arms.

"Now that Yoongi hyung has his and Taehyung's shares of the company, he owns the majority. He owns more than the Lees and their friends." Jimin mutters and looks at Yoongi.

Right as Jimin speaks, his and Seokjin's phones begin to ring. "Looks like the shareholders are finding out." Taehyung hums and looks at his brother with worry.

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