Chapter 12: For Us

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"Kim Taehyung, keep your ass in the hospital bed!" Hoseok shrieks as Taehyung pulls the heart monitor off of his finger.

"I am going to lose my mind staying in here. You guys keep watching me, afraid that I will cry or something." Taehyung grumbles with a frown as he begins unbuttoning his hospital gown.

"Tae, you have broken ribs. You should stay in bed." Seokjin softly tells his younger brother.

As Jungkook watches the situation, he wonders if he should be like Seokjin and Hoseok or if he should go along with what Taehyung wants. When he sees the frustration in Taehyung's eyes, Jungkook knows that Taehyung has enough people worrying about him.

"Tae, let's go and examine the track for tomorrow," Jungkook suggests as he helps Taehyung undress.

Taehyung eagerly nods and lets Jungkook help him get ready to flee the hospital. When they were younger, they were always wreaking havoc together. Taehyung always initiated the havoc while Jungkook followed him around like an excited puppy. They were always scolded together for being rambunctious.

"Do not do anything crazy." Hoseok sighs and melts into the couch.

"Don't worry. We'll be careful." Jungkook responds once he has Taehyung ready to leave the hospital.

When they walk out of the hospital, Taehyung takes a deep breath and looks up at the sky with a big smile. As Taehyung breathes in the fresh air, Jungkook gently wraps his arm around his waist so Taehyung leans against him and happily hums.

"I have missed you so much," Taehyung whispers and leans against Jungkook, looking up into Jungkook's eyes.

"I have missed you too." Jungkook softly hums as he brushes his thumb across Taehyung's cheek. "Let's go. I am sure that you miss the track."

"I do." Taehyung smiles and gently snuggles his face in Jungkook's palm. "After the test race tomorrow, do you want to race together on my family's track?" 

"I would love to, but you need to rest. I know that you'll be tired afterward." Jungkook softly responds.

"Okay. Then, a few days after?" Taehyung smiles and walks with Jungkook to Jungkook's car.

"Sure. That works for me." Jungkook hums as he opens the car door for Taehyung. "Are you nervous about the race tomorrow?"

"Not really. I know that my spot is solid. Tomorrow is just a test race. I am more nervous about the first race in Japan." Taehyung responds and slides into the passenger seat.

"Is it difficult being the only Korean racing?" Jungkook softly asks as he looks at Taehyung.

"Hmm, sometimes. My English is getting better, so I am able to communicate with some of the others. Luckily, my teammate knows some Korean." Taehyung answers as Jungkook sits in the driver's seat.

"I just want you to know that I am beyond proud of you." Jungkook reaches over to hold Taehyung's hand.

"We dreamed of qualifying together. I feel as if I betrayed you." Taehyung whispers as he looks at Jungkook's waiting hand.

"You didn't. I was so happy and proud when they announced that you qualified for a team." Jungkook smiles and takes Taehyung's hand in his hand. "I was beyond proud."

"I want to retire. I raced to remember you. I raced to remember your laughter. I raced to feel as if you were still with me. But you are with me now. I actually really enjoy working at the company." Taehyung confesses as he looks at their intertwined fingers.

"Did you sign the contract for the new season?" Jungkook softly asks as he gently rubs his thumb on the top of Taehyung's hand.

"I did." Taehyung nods with a pout.

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