Chapter 26: My Home

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As Jimin falls asleep in his arms, Yoongi smiles and turns off the French movie. He gently picks Jimin up and carries him to the guest room. As he reaches out to the door handle, he glances at his room and debates.

"Mini, where do you want to sleep?" Yoongi softly asks as he cradles Jimin in his arms.

"With Hyung." Jimin sleepily mutters and kisses Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi instantly smiles and carries Jimin to his room. Once Yoongi has Jimin comfortably tucked into the bed, he goes to the living room and cleans up their mess. He smiles as he remembers Jimin finishing two bowls of ice cream and five cookies. Jimin's happiness radiated through the living room as they cuddled under a blanket and watched several movies while eating. Yoongi smiles as he remembers all of the kisses Jimin gave him throughout the night.

After cleaning up their mess, Yoongi goes to bed and lies down next to Jimin. The moment he is next to Jimin, Jimin snuggles closer to him and happily sighs in his sleep. Yoongi softly hums as wraps his arms around Jimin and falls into a peaceful sleep.

Jimin and Yoongi are rudely awakened by Jimin's ringing phone. "What?" Jimin groggily answers once he sees who is calling him.

"I know that fucking all night is exhausting, but get your ass up! Hyung is being discharged today!" Taehyung shouts as he snickers.

"You are such an evil brat!" Jimin hisses and glares at his phone. "We will be there in an hour," Jimin grumbles and hangs up the call.

"We should hurry. We don't want to keep Jin hyung waiting." Yoongi pecks Jimin's cheek and then climbs out of bed.

As Jimin watches Yoongi walk into his closet, he knows he wants to wake up next to Yoongi every morning. Jimin smiles as he gets out of bed and joins Yoongi in the large closet.

"Here, this should fit you." Yoongi hums as he hands Jimin a pair of clothes.

"Thank you, Hyung." Jimin smiles and pecks Yoongi's lips before leaving the room to shower in the guest bathroom.

When Jimin and Yoongi arrive at the hospital, Taehyung grins at them and goofily wiggles his eyebrows. Jimin hisses and smacks Taehyung on the shoulder.

"Wow ... did you two really not have sex?" Taehyung asks as he follows Jimin.

"We did not. We are not horny rabbits, unlike you two." Jimin hisses and points to the hickeys poking out from beneath Taehyung's shirt.

"Not my fault we aren't old." Taehyung grins and slings his arm over Jimin's shoulders.

"Are you worried about flying out tomorrow?" Jimin asks as they walk to Seokjin's room.

"No. I know that you all will take very good care of Hyung. You're family." Taehyung smiles and looks at his soulmate. "Plus, Joon hyung is moving in with Jin hyung and will annoy the shit out of Jin hyung by being overly protective and worried."

"It's weird and relieving. Jin hyung has been here for eight months. He is finally going home." Jimin mutters as they near Seokjin's hospital room.

When they enter the room, they are met by Seokjin's happy laughter as Hoseok goofily dances around the room with happiness. "Where is Joon hyung?" Jimin asks as he looks around the room.

"He is filling out the discharge paperwork for Jin hyung," Taehyung responds and picks up several travel bags.

"I'll get those." Jungkook mumbles and tries to take the bags from Taehyung.

"I can carry them." Taehyung smiles and stops Jungkook from taking the bags.

"I'll take half of them." Jungkook chuckles and takes half of the bags from Taehyung.

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