Chapter 21: Teach You Respect

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"Why the fuck is Tae being so aggressive?" Jimin asks as Taehyung drives aggressively.

"Let me call Jungkook," Namjoon mutters and calls Jungkook.

"Hyung? Is everything okay?" Jungkook asks as he answers the phone.

"Why is Tae being so aggressive? It's just the first qualifying round. Is he okay?" Namjoon asks with worry as Taehyung aggressively cuts his teammate off on the track. 

"Ah, his teammate has been a dick toward him recently, so Tae is pretty pissed off. He's teaching his teammate a lesson," Jungkook mutters and winces when Taehyung cuts in front of Cole again.

"Will he get in trouble for that?" Namjoon looks at Seokjin with worry as Seokjin grips his blanket nervously.

"No. He asked the coach for permission. His coach gave him the green light since his teammate was acting up pretty badly. He got wasted and hired people for several wild nights. It's been pretty bad." Jungkook sighs and shakes his head.

"Okay. That's good, then." Namjoon hums in understanding.

"What did Jungkook say? Why are you not on speaker?" Jimin huffs as he worries about his friend.

"Tae's teammate has been acting up, so Tae is teaching him a lesson. Their coach gave him permission." Namjoon explains, which causes everyone to relax.

When the first qualifying round finishes, Taehyung gets out of his car and takes his helmet off. "The fuck was that, Kim?!" Cole shouts as he storms over to Taehyung.

"What was what?" Taehyung calmly asks as he looks at Cole with indifference.

"Cole! Not out here!" Cole's manager shouts with an angry glare.

"Are you really on his side?! You are my manager!" Cole snarls with pure anger in his eyes.

"No. I am on your side. You need to get ready for the next round. Also, don't do this out here. The press is here." William sighs as he grabs Cole to drag him out of the public light.

"Fuck you, bitch." Cole hisses at Taehyung as William drags him off of the track.

"Idiot." Taehyung chuckles and walks off the track.

While they prepare for the next round, William keeps a careful eye on Cole to make sure he does not mess with Taehyung again. Every other driver knows that Taehyung is teaching Cole a lesson. Cole knows this as well, so he is even more upset.

"Who does he think he is?! He's younger than me and joined the team after me!" Cole shouts as he kicks over a chair.

William quietly watches and shakes his head as Cole throws a tantrum at the age of 29. Cole already had a fiery temperament when William first became his manager. However, when Taehyung arrived, William thought he was the lucky manager because Cole seemed easier to manage, but now he knows he drew the short stick.

"I will show that bitch who he messed with." Cole snarls and storms out of the room.

William sighs and follows Cole. As William walks past Hyuk, he gives him a warning look and points at Cole.

"Silly brat." Taehyung scoffs when he sees how furious Cole is.

"Taehyung, be careful," Hyuk warns Taehyung.

"I can handle him." Taehyung grins and puts his helmet on.

The moment the second qualification starts, Taehyung zips beside Cole and grins. Every time Cole tries to pull ahead of Taehyung, Taehyung speeds up and stays with him. He is not worried about winning this qualifying round. He is teaching Cole a lesson.

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