Chapter 35: Finale

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"Go, Tae! Go!" Seokjin shouts from the stands as he watches his brother race. Excitement is bubbling through the man as he keeps his eyes trained on his little brother's vehicle, zipping through the track.

"Fuck this track!" Namjoon shouts when he sees Taehyung coming up to a very sharp bend. "The people who designed this are insane."

"It's a good thing we are not in Germany. That track is much more dangerous." Seokjin chuckles as he looks at his worried boyfriend.

"To your left!" Jimin shrieks when a car speeds up beside Taehyung.

"Shit! They're pushing Taehyung to the edge of the track!" Jungkook clenches his fists as he watches his boyfriend.

"Fucking idiot!" Hoseok shrieks and stomps his foot with anger.

"He's fine." Yoongi chuckles as Taehyung slips out of his opponent's grip.

"That was a dirty move." Jimin growls and glares at the vehicle in second place.

As Taehyung starts the final lap, he grits his teeth and fights his opponent for first. The new driver is wild and tries to play dirty. When the driver tries to push Taehyung into the barrier, Taehyung suddenly slows down and gets behind the wild driver. With a growl, he speeds up to the max speed and zips past his wild opponent. 

When the end comes in sight, Taehyung and his young opponent are neck to neck. As they near the finish, Taehyung notices his opponent's vehicle shake. His tires are about to give out. The idiot skipped his last pit. Knowing his opponent's wheels are about to pop, Taehyung speeds up, forcing his beyond-competitive opponent to speed up past the limit of his compromised tires. He is quick to steer away from his opponent the moment his opponent's tires pop.

As his opponent spins on the track, Taehyung zips over the finish line. He shouts with excitement when he ends his final formula in first. Without hesitation, Taehyung leaps out of his vehicle and yanks his helmet off. The audience is roaring as he lifts his helmet above his head in triumph.

"Sunbae!" Camila shouts as she runs over to Taehyung and bows to him out of respect. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Cam." Taehyung beams and shakes her hand. "You have done well. I am proud of you."

As Taehyung receives his trophy for the Brazilian Grand Prix, he searches the crowd for his family. Seokjin had always wanted to watch from the regular stands, so they were not in the VIP seats. When Taehyung sees a huge banner with his name on it, he knows exactly where his family is. Seokjin spared no expense in having a large banner for his brother made.

Once Taehyung receives his trophy, he goes to change out of his racing suit. As he walks to the back, several fans are waiting with excitement, holding pens and objects for Taehyung to sign. Taehyung instantly smiles when he sees his fans.

"Will you sign my chest?" A large man asks as he lifts his shirt.

"I can sign your shirt. That way, you can keep the autograph." Taheyung suggests instead and signs the man's shirt. He can not count the number of times he was asked to sign bare breasts and other unseemly body parts.

"You knew my tires were going to pop!" Taehyung turns to the source of the voice as his opponent storms over to him.

"I do not know what you are talking about, Kid." Taehyung chuckles and waves at his happy fans.

"That's why you sped up at the last minute!" He shouts and points an accusatory finger at Taehyung.

"Didn't I speed up to cross first?" Taehyung calmly hums and walks to his changing room.

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