🔞 Chapter 34: Angel

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As Jimin drives, Yoongi looks around to find out where his boyfriend is taking him. When they pull up to their destination, Yoongi looks around in confusion. They are at a large building, but there are no other people there.

"Come on, Hyung." Jimin grabs a large basket and then reaches his hand out for Yoongi to hold.

Yoongi takes Jimin's hand and quietly follows him. When they enter the building, a kind woman smiles at them and leads them to a large glass door. Yoongi squints as he tries to see through the foggy door.

"I hope you enjoy." She smiles before pressing a button to open the doors.

Yoongi instantly gasps, and his eyes widen in awe when he sees butterflies flitting around the large conservatory. He feels a tear trickle down his face as he is surrounded by peaceful beauty. Jimin stays quiet and watches his boyfriend slowly spin around in awe. Yoongi's eyes are sparkling with awe and pure joy.

When a large Red-Spotted Purple lands on Yoongi's nose, Jimin instantly gasps as Yoongi's eyes flutter in surprise. Yoongi stays still, looking up at the conservatory glass ceiling. Jimin quickly takes his phone out and takes a picture of the beautiful, serene moment. Yoongi holds his breath as his eyes cross to look at the butterfly on his nose.

Once the butterfly flutters away, Yoongi snaps his head to look at Jimin with a glowing smile. He quickly engulfs his boyfriend in a tight hug. "Thank you so much, Mini."

"I love to see you this happy." Jimin hums and presses a soft kiss on the tip of his boyfriend's nose.

As they walk through the conservatory, Yoongi realizes Jimin is still carrying the large basket. "Is it heavy? Do you want me to carry it?" Yoongi asks as he reaches for the basket.

"I've got it." Jimin smiles and pecks Yoongi's soft cheek.

When they reach a stone pad, Jimin sets the basket down and opens it. Yoongi quietly watches as Jimin sets up a picnic for them. "As you know, cooking is not for me, so I asked Jin hyung to make yakgwa, sandwiches, and gimbap. He is the best cook in the world." Jimin excitedly explains as he cutely sets up their picnic.

"Mini, how are you so perfect?" Yoongi whispers as he adores his sweet boyfriend.

"I'm not perfect. I couldn't even cook this for you." Jimin chuckles and motions for Yoongi to join him on the picnic blanket.

"Cooking doesn't make someone perfect or imperfect. Everything about you makes you perfect." Yoongi softly responds as he sits next to Jimin on the blanket.

"Aish. You're going to make me cry." Jimin huffs as his eyes tear up.

"Park Jimin, I love you. I have loved you for a long time, and I will love you for an eternity." Yoongi confesses as Jimin's tears stream down his face.

"Min Yoongi, thank you for this beautiful contract. I always thought love was not for me, but you proved me wrong. Thank you for proving me wrong. I love you so much, more than I thought was possible." Jimin cries as he launches himself into Yoongi's lap and snuggles his face in the crook of Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi lovingly wraps his arms around the love of his life and pulls him close. "Dreams come true," Yoongi whispers as he holds the man he has dreamed about.

"Gosh. I can't be crying like this. There is something else I planned." Jimin sniffles and pulls away to wipe his eyes.

"What else did my sweet Mini plan?" Yoongi softly asks as he lovingly looks into Jimin's eyes.

"Uhm, so sit here." Jimin smiles and quickly gets out of Yoongi's lap.

Yoongi sits quietly and watches as Jimin grabs a speaker from the basket and connects the Bluetooth to his phone. When Jimin starts the music, he quickly gets into place and gets into stance. Yoongi's eyes widen in awe when his boyfriend begins to dance to a beautiful melody filled with beautiful voices. He feels his breath escape him as his beautiful boyfriend elegantly floats in front of him. Never before has he witnessed something so breathtaking and pure.

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