Chapter 23: New Heart

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As Taehyung and Jungkook rush into the hospital, Yoongi meets them at the front to bring them to the waiting room. Seeing how frazzled both of them are, Yoongi quickly pats their shoulders. "He is going to be okay. He's been in surgery for nine hours. It should be finished soon." He softly tells them.

"Thank you," Taehyung mutters with a nod.

Once they are in the waiting room, Namjoon gets up to hug them and comfort them. "Everything is going to be okay." Namjoon softly mutters as he hugs both of them in one big embrace.

When time keeps ticking, and they have heard nothing, Hoseok gets up and starts pacing around. He nervously bites his lips as he looks up at the clock. "Ten hours. Do they usually take this long?" He mutters and quickens his pace.

"Hyung, sit down. You're making me dizzy." Jimin grumbles and grabs Hoseok to have him sit next to him.

"Sorry. I feel like I'm going insane." Hoseok sighs and sits next to Jimin.

"Jin hyung will be okay. He has been fighting for so long. He won't leave us." Jimin smiles and hugs his friend.

When Taeyeon walks into the waiting room, they all look at her with surprise and then anger. "What are you doing here?" Taehyung growls as he stands up to face his sister.

"Oppa is having surgery. I am worried." She responds with her head held high.

"You have been disowned. Leave." Taehyung hisses as he towers over her. "Now."

"You are not the oldest. Jin hyung is. Only he can disown me." She stares into Taehyung's angry gaze as she squares her shoulders.

"Namjoon hyung, call security and have her dragged out of here. I don't have time to deal with her." Taehyung hisses and turns away from his sister.

"You can't do this! I am his sister!" Taeyeon shouts as tears stream down her face.

"No. You aren't. You never visited him. You have been forgotten." Taehyung calmly hums and sits down next to Jungkook.

"We really do not have the emotional stamina to deal with you." Jimin sighs as he buries his face in his hands.

"Ma'am, you cannot be here. Kim Seokjin's guardian has requested that you leave." A guard informs Taeyeon as two guards walk up to her.

"No! I am Kim Seokjin's sister! You can't tell me to leave!" She shouts and steps away from the guards. "Taehyung, please let me stay. Please."

"No. Jin hyung will cry when he sees you. He is going to be too weak to see you when he wakes up. I can't risk you being the reason his recovery becomes difficult. You can visit when he is better." Namjoon tells her, then motions for the security guards to take her away.

"Taehyung, text me to let me know how he is." She mutters as the guards lead her out of the waiting room.

"When will the drama end?" Hoseok sighs and shakes his head.

After an hour, the surgeon walks out of the OR to talk to them. "Are you Kim Seokjin's family?" She asks as they all stand up and rush over to her.

"We are. How is he?" Taehyung responds and waits for her answer.

"The surgery was successful. It took some time since his body was weak from fighting for so long, but his new heart is beating." She tells them, causing all of them to cry in relief.

"When can we see him?" Namjoon asks with teary eyes.

"He is in the ICU for recovery. He will be assisted by a breathing tube until the anesthesia wears off. For the next two to three days, he will stay in the ICU to be monitored. After that, he will be moved to a private room. For now, you can see him through the glass. Once he wakes up, you can visit him one at a time. After he is moved to a private room, you can visit him as much as you want to, but right now, he is in a fragile state and must be treated with care." She carefully explains to the group.

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