Chapter 19: In Sickness and In Health

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As the news fills with Jungkook's past, Namjoon feels himself filling with anger. He remembers how broken Jungkook was during that dark time. He hates how people can drag up his pain without hesitation, without thinking of the pain they are putting Jungkook through.

"Hoseok, who leaked this?" Seokjin asks as he looks at his tablet.

"I am looking into that. But I am guessing it would be the same person who planted drugs on Jungkook." Heseok responds as he dials the number of the detective helping him.

"Taeyeon," Seokjin mutters with venom dripping from his tongue.

"Or the Lees." Hoseok mumbles, then gets up to leave the room to talk to the detective.

"Or both. They both gain from hurting Jungkook and Taehyung." Namjoon suggests and closes his phone.

"We should call them to make sure they are okay." Seokjin sighs and calls his little brother.

"Hyung," Taehyung answers the phone as he eats the breakfast he and Jungkook ordered.

"Are you two okay?" Seokjin asks as he worries about his little brother and Jungkook.

"We are okay, surprisingly. But Jungkook is pouting while glaring at his phone." Taehyung coos as he looks at his pouting boyfriend.

"What is wrong?" Seokjin asks with worry.

"Tell Namjoon hyung that just because you two are one person again does not mean he can't call me!" Jungkook pouts and continues to glare at his phone.

"Kook, we are both on the call." Namjoon chuckles when he hears Jungkook fussing.

"So? You can still call me." Jungkook whines and glares at the phone in Taehyung's hand.

"What would be the point? You and Taehyung are together all of the time, and Jin hyung and I are together all of the time. You want two phone calls at the same time?" Namjoon grins as he listens to Jungkook release a whine.

"You two should take turns. You call me, then the next time Jin hyung calls Tae." Jungkook suggests with the biggest pout.

"I can't see you right now, but I already know you are pouting. Very well. We will do that." Namjoon hums as he relaxes with relief. He was worried that Jungkook would be hurt by the news.

"Since you two are doing just fine, I am going to let you go," Seokjin tells them when Hoseok returns to the room with a frown on his face.

"Okay, Hyung. I will visit you in one of the weeks when I do not race. Get some rest." Taehyung responds and then hangs up the call.

"What is wrong?" Seokjin asks when Hoseok sits down on the chair next to his hospital bed.

"All of the officers and detectives that arrested Jungkook have either quit or been fired," Hoseok explains with a sigh.

"Well, that makes it even more suspicious," Namjoon mutters with a frown.

"Does your detective boyfriend have their contacts?" Seokjin asks, causing Hoseok to blush.

"He is not my boyfriend." Hoseok shyly mutters.

"He helps you at your bar when he is not working. Sure. He's not your boyfriend." Seokjin snickers while Hoseok glares at him.

"Hyung!" Hoseok whines and shyly covers his face with his hands. "He has their contacts and is contacting them for us." He shyly mumbles.

"Hmm, that man definitely loves you." Seokjin grins while Hoseok screams with embarrassment.

"He's just a kind person," Hoseok grumbles with blushing cheeks.

"He is a kind person who happens to be in love with you." Seokjin chuckles and pats Hoseok's blushing cheeks.

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