Chapter 8: A Dangerous Step

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As Namjoon takes Jungkook to get discharged from the hospital, Lee Doyun barges into Seokjin's hospital room. The three in the room look at him in shock. As the three pairs of eyes look at him, he forces himself to calm down because he will act perfectly in front of Seokjin, just like he always does.

"Tae, can we talk for a minute?" He asks as politely as possible.

"Sure." Taehyung mumbles and walks out with him. He wants to get Doyun as far away from this room as possible before Jungkook returns.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Doyun roars and slams his fist against Taehyung's face once they are outside.

"I've been with Hyung. He hasn't been doing well." Taehyung whispers as tears spring to his eyes.

"Your Hyung looks just fine!" Doyun shouts, grabs Taehyung by the collar, and slams him against the building.

"I will not go back with you." Taehyung hisses in pain when the back of his head hits the brick wall.

"You will do whatever I want and say because the fates of your Hyung and company are in my hands." Doyun threatens and tosses Taehyung to the ground.

"No! Seokjin hyung is moving hospitals tomorrow! I will get his life out of your grasp! I will no longer let you abuse me at your whim!" Taehyung shouts and tries to stand up.

"You what?! Don't you know that the only doctor who can treat your Hyung is the doctor here at this hospital?" Doyun scoffs as he grabs Taehyung by the hair and lifts him up.

"There is another doctor coming from America." Taehyung groans in pain and kicks Doyun's shin, which causes him to shout out in pain.

Taehyung cries out in pain when Doyun lands another blow to his abdomen and sends him flying into the brick wall.

"No matter what you do, I will always have you in my grasp," Doyun growls as he lands blow after blow.

"Tae!" Jimin screams as he runs to protect his friend.

"Stop it!" Yoongi shouts and charges at Doyun as Taehyung coughs up blood and wheezes in pain.

"CEO Min." Doyun stares at Yoongi in surprise as Yoongi's fist slams into his jaw.

"Taehyung!" Jimin screams and runs over to Taehyung while Yoongi slams Doyun to the ground. "Tae! Look at me!" Jimin cries and holds Taehyung in his lap.

"It hurts." Taehyung whimpers as he tries to breathe.

Soon, doctors and nurses swarm the area and rush Taehyung inside. As Jungkook signs the last of his discharge papers, he turns to see what the commotion is. He freezes when he sees Taehyung being wheeled past, with a sobbing Jimin following behind.

"Tae ... Taehyung!" Jungkook shouts and starts sprinting after the nurses and doctors. "What the fuck happened?! Why is he like this?!" Jungkook sobs and rushes to Taehyung's side.

Several police officers rush into the hospital and arrest Lee Doyun. The entire first floor of the hospital is in chaos as Lee Doyun screams and curses while he is dragged out of the hospital.

When Taehyung is rushed into emergency surgery to stop the internal bleeding, Jimin and Jungkook are sobbing in the hallway outside the doors.

"What happened?" Jungkook cries and looks at Jimin for answers.

"It was Lee Doyun," Jimin whispers as rage fills his eyes.

"Jungkook! What is going on?" Namjoon shouts as he runs toward them.

"Taehyung was attacked by his husband," Yoongi answers as he walks into the hallway.

"Where is he? I'm going to kill him." Jungkook growls and stands to his feet with his fists clenched.

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