Chapter 1

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Y'all I've been so excited to post this!! But I've been looking for cast🥲🥲🥲🥲 BUT I've found them and I can't wait for y'all to readddd!!!! Also I took a deep dive in this.... Genre- no lifestyle, to really write this 🫣

Also it's Wattpad flagging my books for being too mature. I have literally been on this app for 8 years. All this change is really getting to me.

Someone recommended a new platform for me bc ain't no way LMAOOOO



Pls enjoy 😇



| Chapter 1|

| Chapter 1|

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"I'm sorry... this is just too weird." My now ex said as he headed out the door. The room was spinning and my body kept shaking. I felt embarrassed, hurt, and humiliated. All I could do was curl up and cry.

"W-What is wrong with me?" I cried into my pillow as it became warm and damp. Why does this keep happening to me? Why am I like this? Every time I meet someone new they always lie and say they want to explore with me... but they always turn on me. Telling me I'm sick or something's wrong with me. I squeezed my bare arms, so hard I felt my nails digging deep... and deeper so it can numb this pain within me...

"Naomi Baby?" 

A familiar voice shakes me awake. I sat up from my desk and stretched until I heard a pop. Oh! That felt good! Smiling I turned to my work bestie, Camila. I've known her since we both started as interns in college. Camila is six, two with smooth brown skin. A sharp face, high cheekbones and sharp hazel almond eyes. Full lips and short dyed buzz cut fade. And damn can she rock a pants suit.

"Thanks for the wake up call!" I said while standing up, stretching again as more pop sounds are made.

"Come on before Logan comes and bitches you out again." She said and I groaned. Not that asshole.

"Ugh, not my fault he pushing papers now while I got his old job." I said grabbing my now empty coffee mug and pulling a kcup out my side drawer.

"No one likes a demotion, now come on." She said pushing me to hurry out of the room. I had been napping in the old office spaces. Our company building is being renovated under the new president's order. I mean greys and white look alright I guess. I miss the fun colors of my old office space in advertising. But  two years I got to promoted to being an assistant secretary to the last president. And my mento Angie is retiring and now I have her job... as the new president's secretary... yeah. I haven't met him yet but it's his nephew.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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