part 12

162 7 1

"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for." ― Tom Bodett

Cameron's POV

"In the movie you will have a dog, so you can either use one of the acting dogs or get one of your own to train." He says and I smile.

"I love dogs! I'll adopt one and train it myself. What breed?" I ask.

"German Shepard. Thanks, see you next week." He says, patting my back.

I drive to the pet store and go to the dog cages. I look around until I see a German Shepard. I look at him closely and he barks.

"He likes you." A voice said. I turned around and saw an old lady.

"How can you tell?" I ask.

"He usually tries to hide or bite other people but he's actually comfortable with you." She smiles.

"Good, I'll take him." I look back at the cage and he twirls in a circle before barking again.

"Okay, I'll get you all set up." She turns to go get the papers for adoption.

I was so excited and happy that I couldn't stop smiling. I looked over to the next cage and saw another dog that had his head buried in his paws. My smile faded and I felt sad.

"He's been through a lot." The lady says. She must have gotten the papers already.

"Really?" I stare at the depressed husky.

"Yea, he was left on the streets when he was 2 months old. He's been here ever since." She sadly says.

"I'll adopt him too." I say and the dogs head jolts up.

"Okay, follow me." She says and I follow her to the desk. "First the German Shepard. He is 2 1/2 years old. Sign here and give him a name." She slides the paper over to me.

I sign my name and look at the black line for the dog's name. Sophie's afraid of her own shadow so I named him Shadow as a little joke.

"And for the husky, he is 2 years old. Sign here and give him a name." She hands me the other paper. I think for a minute after signing my name. I've always liked the name Jaxx...

"Your all set, follow me." She says and I follow her back to the cages. Shadow and Jaxx both bark and try to escape their cages. I laugh as the lady un-hooks the cages.they both come running towards me, showering my face with licks.

"You can pick out things you need, just meet me back at the front." The lady days and I nod.

"Come on guys." I walk as they follow. I pick out their collars, leashes, toys, food, bowls, beds, and name tags that I could personalize. When I finished paying, I put the collar on Shadow.

"Your name is Shadow, and you are going to star in movies." He barks and I ruffle his hair. I grab the other collar and put it on Jaxx.

"And you are Jaxx. Don't worry, my girlfriend and I will take care of you and you'll never be left again." He licks my face making me smile.

"I see you'll take excellent care of them." The lady says and I nod.

"Thank you for everything!" I shout as I'm being pulled out the door. I make sure I'm holding on tight to the leashes.

I can't wait till Sophie meets them.


OMG guys! I went to In-N-Out and I saw a guy that looked EXACTLY like Sammy Wilkinson! I literally choked on my fry😂

Love (Sequel to Fear)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant