part 51

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"The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being." ― Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

Sophie's POV

I've decided to not tell anyone about the text. If I did, the police would be involved and that will just make it worse. I deleted the message and carried on throughout the day.

A week later

"I got the mail!" Cam yells and throws everything on the table. I laugh and search for anything interesting and I find something from Sierra. I open it and it's an invitation to... a baby shower?!?

"Your sister is pregnant?" I ask Cam. He turns around shocked.

"What? I guess it's bound to happen, she's been married for five years now." He smiles.

"You're going to be an uncle." I say and he jumps up and down in excitement.

"I'm going to call her!" He yells, rushing upstairs.

"Tell her I say congrats!" I yell back.

I realize we have no food in the fridge so I leave a note saying I went to the store for Cam when he gets off the phone. I grab my purse and head out the door. I take my car and drive to Smith's.

When I get there I start going down each aisle and grab what we need. I feel like someone's behind me so I turn around, but see no one. I go into the next aisle and see a little boy and his mother.

"Carlos! Please stop!" She shouts as he pulls cereal boxes from the shelves.

"I want cookies!" He throws a tantrum on the floor. I rush over to the mother and help her put the boxes back in the shelves.

"Thank you." She smiles at me, her kid still screaming on the floor.

"No problem, I guess it's hard raising a kid." I say.

"You got that right. It's not as easy as you think it is." She laughs and picks up her kid. He stops throwing a fit and gives his mom a hug.

"It's all worth it in the end." She says goodbye and carries her child to the next aisle.

I can't wait to have a kid. Then I remember I have a very small chance of that actually happening. My happiness drops and I go to another aisle.

It's almost 9 when I finish and head to the checkout line. I've been here for three hours, gathering enough stuff for a month. The cashier is a young man who looks about 18 or 19.

"Did you find everything alright ma'am?" He asks while ringing up my items.

"Yes." I smile and I get out my credit card to pay.

"Thank you for shopping at Smith's." He says when I start to leave the checkout lane.

Unknown's POV

I watch as she leaves the store, struggling with the cart. I see my other men hiding in the shrubs, they signal me to go. I get up from my hiding spot and rush to help her.

"Hey, miss. Do you need any help?" I ask her and she smiles.

"Yes, if you don't mind." She smiles and I help load the bags into her car. I notice a sparkling ring on her finger. ****! Cameron proposed. Boss didn't tell us this.

I quickly finish and she thanks me, driving off. Wait till the boys hear about this.


Sorry I haven't posted in forever! School starts in one day and I'm super busy! I'll try to update, but you guys will have to be patient ☺️

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