part 55

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"Look after my heart - I've left it with you." ― Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

Cameron's POV

Today's the day. The day Sophie officially becomes my wife. I haven't seen her in 24 hours because of that rule where you can't see your spouse the night before the wedding. Right now I'm in my suit, pacing back and forth. My groomsmen (A/N: IDK what their called lol sorry!) are trying to calm me down.

"Cam, you'll be fine. I'll be right next to you." Nash says. Sierra's husband, Hayes, and Chad are my other groomsmen.

"I know." I sigh. I make my way to the alter and wait for Sophie to arrive.

Sophie's POV

I see the groomsmen and the bridesmaids pair up with them. Uncle Chad walks over to me and smiles.

"You look so beautiful, Sophie." He says and I blush. I see him quickly wipe his tears. I walk over and hug him.

"Thank you for volunteering to walk me down the aisle." I say.

"No problem, you are like my daughter. Jane would be so proud." He smiles, wiping more tears. The mention of my mom makes me a little sad, but I hope she's watching down from heaven to see the wedding.

Uncle Chad starts to lead me to the outside area. Skylynn is ahead of us, throwing flower petals on the ground. Shadow and Jaxx follow behind her as our "flower dogs". I see Cam at the alter with his amazing smile. The bridesmaids and groomsmen go to their positions and Uncle Chad lets me go to my spot. Cam and I hold hands and the Priest begins.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and Women in holy matrimony." (A/N: I'm not writing everything because it's literally forty minutes long lol.)

When it was time to say our vows, Cam was very emotional. He cried while saying it which made the crowd say "aww". I wiped his tears and listened to his amazing vows. When it was my turn, I said my vows exactly as I wrote them and watched Cam cry some more. We exchange rings, brought up to us by Nash and continue the ceremony.

"Do you Cameron Dallas take Sophie Grier to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her in sickness and in health? Forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?" The Priest asks Cam.

"I do." He smiles.

"And do you Sophie Grier take Cameron Dallas to be your husband, to live together in hold matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor him, and keep him in sickness and in health? Forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?" He asks me.

"I do." I answer.

"Does anyone object this marriage of the two standing in front of me?" He asks the crowd. Thankfully, no one says anything.

"I may now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" He says. Cam pulls me towards him and we kiss. The crowd claps and cheers as pictures are being taken. When we break apart, we walk the aisle away from the wedding area and go into the after party room.

"I can't believe we're married!" I scream, hugging Cam.

"I know!" He screams too. We hurry to change into more party like clothes for the after party. I wear a dress that matches my bridesmaids dresses, which are mint green and Cam just leaves his outfit on, but takes of the jacket. (A/N: Check out the wedding outfits on Instagram @sydnaifanfiction .)

Soon all our guests come into the after party room and the music starts. Cam and I make our way to our table so that guests can easy spot us.

"Let's here it for Mr. and Mrs. Dallas!" The DJ yells, making the crowd go wild. I smile and give Cam another kiss.

During the party, many people come up to us, congratulating us and giving us presents. I make sure to thank everyone and make small conversations.

"I'll be right back, I'll get you some food." Cam says and I nod. I watch him go up to the buffet area and make a plate for himself and me. When he comes back, I find something sparkly on my plate...


The big wedding! 💍 This is only part 1 so there is more to the wedding lol

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