part 16

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"Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart." ― José N. Harris, MI VIDA: A Story of Faith, Hope and Love

Cameron's POV

Sophie has been gone for three days and I haven't heard anything. Today I will finally be able to start a police search. Apparently you can't start one unless they have been missing for two days and the first day "didn't count" something like that. I've been trying to focus on filming the movie, but it's hard when the love of my life is missing.

Nash has contacted his family and they are all really worried. We got into the car and headed to the police station.

"How may I help you?" The lady in the front desk asked when we walked in.

"We would like to report a missing person." Nash says and she directs us into a room. Soon a detective walks in and sits down across from us.

"So who is missing?" He asks.

"Sophie Grier is her new name but her original name was Morgan Smith." I say and he nods writing it down on paper.

"Do you have a picture of her?" He asks and I nod, getting out my phone and showing him a picture of her.

"Okay, answer all of these questions." He slides a paper to us with many questions. As we answer he writes, making notes.

"Thank you for your coming in, we will start a search party first thing tomorrow morning." He says and we nod.

Sophie's POV

I wake up after passing out in the back of a car.

"Well, look who's up!" My dad looks at me through the mirror as he drives.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To our new home." He says and I look at Michael who was sitting next to me. Patty was in the passenger seat.

"Now we need you to call your dumb boyfriend and tell him that you hate him and that your breaking up." My dad says and I start to feel the tears coming.

"Really? Why can't I just say that I'm going out of town or something." I cry.

"Because we need him to know you'll never return." He smiles and I sniffle a little.

"Okay give me the **** phone." I say angrily.


Ohh Sophie's aggressive lol. Anyway I'm back to everyday updates! Yay!

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