part 27

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"You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect-you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break-her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there." -Bob Marley

^^Read that

Sophie's POV

Today's the day! I'm so happy and I can't wait to finally see Cameron. I quickly got dressed in the only dress I owned at the moment which was black and white polka dot. I grabbed a vest jean jacket and quickly braided my hair. I added a white flower and some gold jewelry.

You might be thinking, 'how did I get all of this?' Well I was planning for this moment forever and saved up tons of money and maybe took a little from my dad, but he doesn't really need it.

I rushed downstairs and slipped on my black converse. It's kinda cold outside so I also grabbed a coat before heading outside. I went to the bus stop and paid for the ride. When I made it to the meet and greet center, I put my coat on a coat rack and quickly ran inside. I was so happy that this moment was finally here!

"Excuse me miss?" I heard a deep voice. I turned around and saw a bodyguard.

"Uh yea?" I ask.

"May I see your ticket?" He says and I hand him the paper.

"Hmm. Okay come on in." He lets me past the gates and I walk inside seeing tons of girls. It reminded me of when I did meet and greets.

I quickly went to Cameron's line, my body boiling with excitement. There were at least 200 hundred girls in front of me. So much for a 'small' meet and greet...

"Sophie?!?!" I heard someone yell.

Cameron's POV

I watched as thousands of girls flood into the small conventional space. I quickly put a fake smile on my face because I didn't want anyone to see me sad. Sophie is my everything. I just hope none of the fans ask me about her. They are really suspicious because Sophie hasn't posted anything in 2 years and I haven't said anything either.

"Hi!" A young girl comes up to me.

"Hello beautiful, how are you?" I ask as I sign a picture of me.

"I'm great! Can I get a picture?" She asks and I get up from my chair to do so.

"Thank you!" She says and runs off to another line. I look in front of me and see a bunch of girls in my line and it hasn't even been a minute. I sigh before greeting the next girl.

Sophie's POV

I turned around and saw Olivia!

"OMG Where have you been? What's up with your hair? Why are you in New York? Why aren't you with Cam? Why are you so skinny? sheesh!" She asks, never shutting up.

"Calm down! I've been kidnapped, I had to dye and cut my hair, I'm in New York because this is where my dad brought me-" I say quietly.

"YOUR DAD KIDNAPPED YOU?" She yells and some girls start to look at us.

"Shhhh!" I put a finger over her mouth. "Yes my dad kidnapped me and I've been missing for two years! I was forced to tell Cameron I hate him and then I had to leave him. And I'm here to escape from my dad. I want to be with Cam again." I say.

"I'm so sorry Sophie. I was wondering what happened to you." She says hugging me.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I moved here after I finished college back home. I graduated early and I always dreamed of living in New York. And I'm at the meet and greet because I wanted to talk to Cam about you." She explains.

"I still can't believe I'm a few feet away from him." I say my heart pounding through my chest.


I'm so proud of myself! I think this is the best chapter I have ever wrote lol😂👏🏼

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