part 41

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"Love now, not later. Also, love later." ― Jarod Kintz, This Book is Not FOR SALE

Sophie's POV

After finishing my lesson of online school, I heard a knock on the door. Cam and the boys went out a while ago so he couldn't be back already. I open the door to see Jayden.

"Hey Sophie!" She smiles and I try my hardest to put one on.

"Hey... What are you doing here?" I ask politely as I can.

"Just thought we could have a girls night!" She says.

"Um okay." I say and she jumps up and down.

"Yay! Lets go, the other girls are waiting." She grins and I raise an eyebrow.

"Other girls? The only other girl is Mahogany." I question.

"Some of the boy's girlfriends are here to surprise them in the morning!" She shrieks and I nod my head.


"Yea we were ready to start, but I wanted you to be apart of it." She smiles.

"Thank you." I actually smile back.

"C'mon!" She grabs my arm and pulls me down the hall to her room.

As soon as she opens the door I immediately recognize Paige and Lily, my old friend from the beginning of college.

"Lily!" I scream the same time she yells my name. We run to each other and hug.

"I take it you two know each other." Jayden laughs and we nod.

"Why haven't I seen you around campus?" She asks.

"Well I've kinda been kidnapped." I laugh and she looks at me like I'm crazy. "I'll explain it later."

Paige comes up to me and we hug, then Jayden introduces me.

"This is Audrianna, Nash's girlfriend." She says. Nash has a girlfriend? Why did I not know this?

"Hi, Sophie right?" She smiles and I nod. "You were going to meet me, but the incident..."

"It's fine." I save her from her embarrassment.

"This is Shay, Gilinsky's girlfriend." She points to the brown haired girl waving and I wave back.

"Anna is Sammy's girlfriend." Jayden points to a girl with dark blonde hair.

"Lindsey is Taylor's girlfriend." She points to another blonde.

"And lastly Lily is dating Johnson." She says and I smile. I can totally picture them together.

"Let's play a game!" Anna suggests and we all agree on 20 questions so we can get to know each other.

"I'll start!" Paige shouts. "Audrianna, what's your favorite color?"

"Blue. Um Sophie, are you in school?" Audrianna asks me.

"I'm finishing college online." I smile and look at the group of girls. "Lindsey, do you speak any languages other than English?"

"What?" She looks at me. "I don't speak English."

We all look at each other confused.

"I speak American." She says slowly and I hold in a laugh.

"Okay." I say and she looks at me like I'm an idiot.

"Lila!" Lindsey says.

"It's Lily..." Lily rolls her eyes.

"Oh sorry! Lily how many fingers do you have?" She asks and once again I'm forcing down a laugh.

"10..." Lily says and Lindsey look at her fingers and starts to count.

"Okay, moving on..." Lily asks another girl a question.

The rest of the night we painted our nails, did each other's hair, and told stories. I was having a great time and I didn't want to leave. I said goodbye to the girls who were staying in Shawn and Jayden's room so they wouldn't be seen.

When I get to my own room, Cameron sits up from his bed and gets up to hug me.

"Where did you go?" He laughs and I smile.

"The guys' girlfriends are here and they're going to surprise them tomorrow when we are on stage. We had a 'girls night' and they have to hide in Jayden's room." I explain to him.

"Ohh I see. Did you have fun?" He asks and I nod.

"It was pretty great." I smile and we lay down together, falling asleep.


Hey everyone! Btw most of the girlfriends are based off of my friends. Follow their instagrams:
Paige is @paige.martiin
Audrianna is @audri_cris
Jayden is @tropical.jayden
Lily is @sm_ily
Shay is @magconsmoothie
Anna is @annamerl13
And Lindsey is based off of Lindsey from total drama island lol

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